I will say this again Lady Joan. All townships on or near the river banks in the country should be removed.
Factories that are proven to leak into the rivers must have an alternative, move or be shut down.
Oh and don't forget the municipalities that pump excrement's into the rivers. They should face a charge of sabotage in the courts.
In my mind it's the only way that we are going to save our rivers.
But I don't think that this will ever happen.
Would never have believed in thirty years a country could resemble a garbage heap wherever you look. Possibility from July uprising the beaches/rivers damage will take five years to clear!
No comment...., live goes on!
Oh yes, we just have to keep our blinkers on Lady Joan.
Trying very hard, not always succeeding!
Such is life my friend and we all just have to hang in there.
Some impossible things happening.
Hang in there and have a good day,
We cannot change things, will have to accept it for now!
Oh yes, acceptance is the way to go as there is always an end to all things.