to me it is sort of essential to separate thoughts from intuition. sometimes i meet someone who seems odd at first but really it was just my mind telling me this individual is somehow 'creepy' when really it was just the sum of my life's conditioning kicking in. and it turns out i am glad i didn't judge from first impression but exercises a little patience to see who i am really dealing with.
other times i may not have any concrete reason to doubt a situation or turn away but when i get that sense: i trust it. be it somebody else i meet, a road to drive through or a decision to make.
our inner compass is a miracle if we can learn to read it through all the layers of conditioning and fearmongering of our age.
Oh my goodness. Hehe is it my intuition or something really happened? But I agree to you. Maybe it's my mind saying some random stuffs. But I sometimes never doubt my thoughts because it is somehow the reality. Thanks 😊