Lačnov Canyon / Lačnovský kaňon

in Worldmappin10 months ago

Hi, I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.



Today we will go to see nature together. What do you say? Our steps are heading towards the Branisko mountain range. In addition to other attractions that I am going to visit here, there is a nice canyon that I have not been to yet.


We welcome you to the Lačnovský canyon. This is written on the wooden entrance gate, which always respectfully greets every tourist. It's a really nice welcome and I was quite pleased. The Branisko Mountains are located quite close to the Slovak Paradise National Park, which is very popular with tourists. And so the beauties that are found here are somewhat secluded.


After a short walk through the forest, we arrive at a large meadow. There is a buffet here, which is open on weekends. There is a mobile kitchen parked on the meadow, in which those interested can cook, for example, goulash.


Trout are bred in the pond located here. This clearing is an ideal place to relax in nature with children.


In addition to feasting in the local buffet, you can see such an interesting rock formation.


However, we continue further into the forest. After walking for a while, we come to the first ladders and the waterfall.


The Lačnovský stream created a 2-kilometer long canyon here, which includes several waterfalls and cascades.


In places we walk along the stream bed. The rocks are slippery and we have to be careful with every step. But exactly such conditions must be in the gorges. Wet and slippery.


Lačnovský canyon is part of the Kamenná baba nature reserve. It is an area of European importance that extends in the Branisko mountains and its smaller part is located in Bachurni.


There are several bizarre stone formations on the territory of Kamenná baby. There are also several caves that provide a home and refuge for bats. I plan to visit the caves and I believe I will write about them next time.


We climb upstream and enjoy the beautiful environment and clean mountain air.

I can't say that it would be a difficult hike, although each of us would probably evaluate it differently according to our abilities. For me, it's a pleasant walk through the forest, next to a stream with occasional steep climbs.


We leave the gorge on a meadow and after the last climb we arrive at the mountain village of Lačnov. It is a traditional, beautiful, preserved mountain village, the likes of which are not many. It is declared a monument reserve. Only ten inhabitants live here.


We found this beauty parked here.

That's enough hiking for today. We return back to the car and back to our daily duties.

Thank you



Dnes sa spolu pôjdeme pozrieť do prírody. Čo poviete? Naše kroky mieria do pohoria Branisko. Okrem iných zaujímavostí, ktoré sa tu chystám navštíviť, sa tu nachádza jeden pekný kaňon v ktorom som ešte nebol.


Vítame vás v kaňone Lačnovský kaňon. To je napísané na drevenej vstupnej bráne, ktorá vždy úctivo pozdraví každého turistu. Je to naozaj milé privítanie a celkom ma to potešilo. Pohorie Branisko sa nachádza dosť blízko Národného parku Slovenský raj, ktorý je turistami veľmi vyhľadávaný. A tak sú krásy, ktoré sa tu nachádzajú trochu v ústraní.


Po krátkej prechádzke lesom prichádzame na veľkú lúku. Tu sa nachádza bufet, ktorý je otvorený cez víkendy. Na lúke je odparkovaná mobilná kuchyňa, v ktorej si záujemcovia môžu uvariť napríklad guláš.


V jazierku, ktoré sa tu nachádza chovajú pstruhy. Táto čistinka je ideálnym miestom na relax v prírode s deťmi.


Okrem pohostenia sa v tunajšom bufete si môžete pozrieť takýto zaujímavý skalný útvar.


My však pokračujeme ďalej do lesa. Po chvíli chodenia prichádzame k prvým rebríkom a k vodopádu.


Lačnovský potok tu vytvoril kaňon s dĺžkou 2 kilometre, ktorého súčasťou je viacero vodopádov a kaskád.


Miestami chodíme po koryte potoka. Skaly sú klzské a my si musíme dávať pozor na každý krok. Ale presne takéto podmienky musia v roklinách byť. Vlhko a šmykľavo.


Lačnovský kaňon je súčasťou prírodnej rezervácie Kamenná baba. Je to oblasť európskeho významu, ktorá sa rozprestiera v pohorí Branisko a jej menšia časť sa nachádza v Bachurni.


Na území Kamennej baby sa nachádza viacero bizardných kamenných útvarov. Nachádza sa tu aj viacero jaskýň, ktoré poskytujú domov a útočisko pre netopiere. Jaskyne plánujem navštíviť a verím, že vám o nich napíšem nabudúce.


Stúpame proti prúdu potoka a užívame si krásne prostredie a čistý horský vzduch.


Nemôžem povedať, že by to bola náročná túra, aj keď každý z nás by to asi hodnotil rozdielne podľa svojich schopností. Pre mňa je to príjemná prechádzka lesom, popri potoku s občasným prudším stúpaním.


Z rokliny vychádzame na lúku a po poslednom stúpaní prichádzame do horskej dediny Lačnov. Je to tradičná, krásna, zachovaná horská dedina, akých už veľa niet. Je vyhlásená za pamiatkovú rezerváciu. Žije tu len desať obyvateľov.


Tohoto krásavca sme tu našli zaparkovaného.

Na dnes bolo turistiky dosť. My sa vraciame späť k autu a naspäť k svojim každodenným povinnostiam.



WOWWWW AMAZING, NATURE TRIP like this are so underrated. Tha canyon entrace is so welcoming, also the whole area feels so untouched and serene. Spotting caves adds an cool adventure. I would love to go to that place😭😭😭😭

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We have a very similar canyon in Romania but with some extra ladders and waterfalls that pump up the adrenaline in the veins, lol. But I absolutely love this parts of nature where even if people brought their intervention, they didn't ruin anything!

What is the name of your canyon and where is it? Maybe I'll come to see it sometime 😉. I like tourism and travel and I will be grateful for a tip for a trip.
The best gorges are those where there is minimal human intervention. I like the wilderness. well thank you


It's called the 7 Stair Canyon and it's located in Brasov county (Romania). Fairly close to this one there is also Tamina Canyon which is a lot wilder than "7 stairs" and requires some extra effort too. I'm sure you will love them both :)

Thanks for the travel tip. You also have a world-famous castle in the Brasov region. All the more reason to go see this corner of the world. Thank you and have a nice day.

Yes! Too bad Romania is rather famous for that castle instead of it's real past and values. Hopefully that will change one day :)

From my point of view, Count Dracula and the legends about him are such a supplement suitable for the development of tourism. However, the truth about him and his life and struggle is quite interesting from a historical point of view. Well, at least for me 🙂 However, your country has an interesting history and a lot of natural beauty. Sometimes, however, it happens that one legend overshadows the important thing.

Yes. I can't deny that. But it feels sad when a country is known just for one thing and that very randomly thrown in the story without details of how everything started and so on. I'm happy you understand my point of view though 😁

Beautiful nature🙂

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Impressive place, gives off magic