Trip to Hronsek / Výlet do Hronseku

I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.

I was looking forward to today's trip to the village of Hronsek, I guess a little more than others. The reason is simple. We plan to visit several interesting historical places and one of them is a wooden articular church registered in UNESCO.


In this village in central Slovakia, there are a lot of monuments. Judge for yourself. There is a water castle, a mansion and a wooden church. It is proof that this village was important in the past.


We parked our cars near the church. We are going to see him. We arranged the tour by phone in advance. It is necessary if you want to look inside. There is no cash register where someone is always there. I called that we were here and waiting by the church, and the lady was with us once or twice and opened the door for us.


We sat down in the pews and the lady who let us in played a recording for us to learn as much as possible about the church. The Church of St. John the Baptist was built at a time when Catholics in Hungary came to the fore at the expense of Evangelicals. At this time, Count Imrich Tökoly of Kežmarok opposed the Austrian emperor and, with the help of the people and foreign allies, forced Emperor Leopold I to convene the Sopron Diet in 1681. He confirmed religious freedom in the country and allowed evangelicals to build two churches in one capital.


In 1725, construction began. However, it was not that simple. Article 25 stipulated five conditions that had to be met during the construction of the church. The church had to be built within one year, without a single nail, the entrance to the church could not be directly from the street, the church had to be entirely made of wood and could not have a tower.


Fortunately, in this case, everything was successful and the church was built in the fall of 1726. The church has an incredible 1100 seats. The altar is unusually placed in the middle of the church and people sit around it. I have to admit that until now I have not seen such an arrangement in any church. I am enchanted by the unusualness of this place.

The church has the plan of a cross and there are five entrances and thirty windows. It has excellent acoustics, so it is a suitable place for holding concerts.



There is a wooden bell tower near the church. It was built the same as the church in 1726.


Another cultural monument that we are going to see is the Gothic-Renaissance water castle. This castle was built in the 14th century by the Géczy family. It originally had four towers and a moat filled with water. You could go to the castle via the drawbridge. This defense was due to Turkish raids.


Since there was no church in the village until the construction of the church, one of the rooms of the castle served as a prayer room. Ján Simonides also worked here. He was a well-known Slovak evangelical priest and writer.

During the uprising of František Rákoczi, coins were minted at the castle. There was a prison in the basement.


Due to lack of time, we did not go on a tour of the interior. However, I read that there are nice paintings in the interior. Various animals are depicted on them, which proves that the owners were hunters. In the former prayer room we can see religious motifs.


We passed two monuments out of three that we were going to visit here. The third is a mansion. It is located nearby. The Soosovsko-Géczyovský Baroque mansion was built in 1775. It is built in the Baroque style.


In the photo we can see the coat of arms of the Géczyovská family and Juraj's wife - Estera.


It is possible to take a tour of the mansion only one day a year. It is made available on the Festive Day of the Hronsek village.


However, we walked through the extensive park that surrounds this mansion. We discovered that a linden tree that is more than two hundred years old grows here. It is 25 meters high.

Time has moved on and we must move on. The village of Hronsek is extremely rich in cultural monuments. I would definitely recommend stopping here to anyone passing by.

Thank you

Po Slovensky

Na dnešný výlet do dedinky Hronsek som sa tešil hádam ešte o trochu viac ako na iné. Dôvod je jednoduchý. Plánujeme navštíviť viacero zaujímavých historických miest a jedným z nich je drevený artikulárny kostol zapísaný v UNESCO.


V tejto dedine na strednom Slovensku sa toho, čo sa pamiatok týka, nachádza naozaj veľa. Veď posúďte sami. Nachádza sa tu vodný hrad, kaštieľ a drevený kostol. Je to dôkaz, že v minulosti bola táto dedina dôležitá.


Autá sme zaparkovali pri kostole. Práve na neho sa ideme pozrieť. Prehliadku sme si dohodli telefonicky dopredu. Je to nutné ak sa chcete pozrieť aj dovnútra. Nie je tu totiž pokladňa kde by niekto stále bol. Zavolal som že sme tu a čakáme pri kostole a pani bola raz dva pri nás a otvorila nám.


Sadli sme si do lavíc a pani ktorá nás pustila dnu nám pustila nahrávku, aby sme sa dozvedeli o kostole čo najviac. Kostol svätého Jána Krstiteľa bol postavený v časoch kedy sa katolíci na území Uhorska dostavali do popredia na úkor evanjelikov. V tomto čase sa proti rakúskemu cisárovi postavil kežmarský gróf Imrich Tökoly a s pomocou ľudu a zahraničných spojencov prinútil cisára Leopolda I. zvolať v roku 1681 Šopronský snem. Ten potvrdil náboženskú slobodu v krajine a povolil evanjelikom postaviť dva kostoly v jednej stolici.


V roku 1725 sa začalo stavať. Nebolo to však také jednoduché. Článok artikula 25 stanovoval päť podmienok ktoré museli byť pri stavbe kostola splnené. Kostol musel byť postavený do jedného roka, bez jediného klinca, vchod do kostola nemohol byť rovno z ulice, kostol musel byť celý z dreva a nemohol mať vežu.


Našťastie sa v tomto prípade všetko podarilo a kostol bol na jeseň v roku 1726 postavený. Kostol má neuveriteľných 1100 miest na sedenie. Oltár je netradične umiestnený v strede kostola a ľudia sedia okolo. Musím sa priznať že do teraz som takéto usporiadanie v žiadnom kostole nevidel. Som očarený nevšednosťou tohto miesta.

Kostol má pôdoris kríža a nájdeme tu päť vchodov a tridsať okien. Je v ňom výborná akustika, takže je to vhodné miesto na usporiadanie koncertov.



Neďaleko kostola sa nachádza drevená zvonica. Bola postavená rovnako ako kostol v roku 1726.


Ďalšou kultúrnou pamiatkou na ktorú sa ideme pozrieť je goticko-renesančný vodný hrad. Tento hrad bol vybudovaný v 14. storočí rodom Géczyovcov. Pôvodne mal štyri veže a vodnú priekopu naplnenú vodou. Do hradu sa dalo prejsť cez padaci most. Táto obrana bola kvôli tureckým nájazdom.


Nakoľko až do výstavby kostolíka nemali v dedine kostol, slúžila jedna z miestnosti hradu ako modlitebňa. Pôsobil tu aj Ján Simonides. Bol to známy slovenský evanjelický kňaz a spisovateľ.

Počas povstania Františka Rákocziho sa na hrade razili mince. V pivničných priestoroch bolo väzenie.


Kvôli nedostatku času sme na prehliadku vnútorných priestorov nešli. Dočítal som sa však že v interiéri sa nachádzajú pekné maľby. Sú na nich vyobrazené rôzne zvieratá čo dokazuje že majitelia boli poľovníci. V bývalej modlitebni môžeme vidieť náboženské motívy.


Prešli sme dve pamiatky z troch, ktoré sme sa tu chystali navštíviť. Tou treťou je kaštieľ. Ten sa nachádza neďaleko. Soosovsko-Géczyovský barokový kaštieľ bol postavený v roku 1775. Postavený je v barokovom štýle.


Na fotke môžeme vidieť erb Géczyovskej rodiny a manželky Juraja - Estery.


Prehliadku kaštieľa je možné absolvovať iba jeden deň v roku. Je sprístupnený v Slávnostný deň obce Hronsek.


My sme sa však prešli po rozsiahlom parku, ktorý tento kaštieľ obklopuje. Zistili sme, že tu rastie viac ako dvesto ročná lipa. Je vysoká 25 metrov.

Čas pokročil a my musíme ísť ďalej. Obec Hronsek je mimoriadne bohatá na kultúrne pamiatky. Určite sa tu odporúčam zastaviť každému, kto pôjde okolo.



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Wow - the church is simply stunning. Very impressive craftmanship !

Hello @photoparadise70! 🏰 Your detailed account of the trip to the village of Hronsek is fascinating. The wooden articular church, the Gothic-Renaissance water castle, and the Soosovsko-Géczyovský Baroque mansion all sound like incredible historical treasures.

The wooden church, especially, with its unique design and historical significance, is a true gem. The conditions stipulated during its construction, such as being built without a single nail and not having a tower, add to the marvel of its craftsmanship. The arrangement of the church, with the altar in the middle and seating around it, is indeed unusual and adds to the charm of the place.

Hi, yes it is an extremely interesting and unusual place. I'm glad I was able to visit him. Thank you