Trip to Pribylina / Výlet do Pribyliny

in Worldmappin4 months ago

Hi, I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.

My three-year-old son loves trains, and I love history and nature. Fortunately, in Slovakia, there’s a place where we can combine both of our interests. That place is the Liptov Village Museum in Pribylina. So, one fine summer day, we set out on an adventure there.

My son would definitely love it if we traveled to Pribylina by train, but I chose another means of transportation. After all, we would have to combine the train journey with a bus, and with two small children, I don’t feel like transferring multiple times and relying on connections. We’re going by car. The journey takes just under an hour, and we’re there.


After buying our tickets, we enter the museum grounds. It feels as if we’ve gone back in time, finding ourselves in a Liptov village from a hundred, maybe two hundred years ago. Wooden houses surround us. Only in the middle of the village stands a larger stone building that somewhat resembles a manor. I’m curious to see what we’ll learn about this building when we go inside. At the edge of the village, a stone church stands as a guardian, overlooking everything. But let’s start from the beginning.


Each wooden house tells a different story. It’s furnished with period furniture and shows us how our ancestors once lived. The houses have small windows to prevent significant heat loss. For this reason, they also have small doors, small frames, and low ceilings.


And what does an artisan’s house look like? Let’s look inside a shoemaker’s house. We enter through a small door. In the small hallway, there’s a stove. My kids immediately grabbed the pots and pretended to cook something delicious.


Besides the hallway, there’s one other room in the house. Inside, there’s a small table, a bed, tools for shoemaking, and a collection of shoes. The shoemaker worked, ate, and slept all in the same room.


And what about that stone building? It’s a Gothic-Renaissance manor that comes from the village of Parižovce. Parižovce, like many other villages, was submerged. The Liptovská Mara dam was built in the region. Houses were disassembled and rebuilt in the open-air museum.


The manor gives us a glimpse into the life of a wealthier noble. The beautifully spacious rooms, furnished with luxurious furniture, can’t be compared to the small rooms in the wooden houses around it.


The large ceremonial hall, in my opinion, is stunning. It must have made quite an impression on guests in the past.


The stone Church of the Virgin Mary originates from the village of Liptovská Mara. That’s also the name of the dam that submerged this village. The church was dismantled and reconstructed here. The Church of the Virgin Mary was one of the most significant churches in the Liptov region. Apart from being a spiritual center, it also served as an administrative center for a long time, where the Liptov County council meetings were held.


Another building that caught my attention was this school.


Nowadays, we have a caretaker, a person who takes care of the school. In the past, this wasn’t necessary because the teacher lived right at the school. In one small room, there was a stove in the center where he would cook.


The largest room in the house had a blackboard and desks, where lessons took place.


Following the stream, we come to a watermill. It was undoubtedly one of the most important, if not the most important, buildings in the village. Grain was ground here, and thanks to it, people had flour. With it, they could bake various treats.


We leave the village and continue walking through the forest along the stream. We pass by a lake full of fish.


The highlight of the day awaits us, and it’s the historic forest railway. When my son saw the trains, he ran over to them immediately. He was unstoppable.


I watched him for a moment. It seemed like he was pretending to be the train driver, checking if all the passengers had boarded. It’s amazing, and I’m delighted to see him so happy.


There are some very nice locomotives here. My favorite is this one: a steam engine, type U46902. I’m not very knowledgeable about trains; I just noticed it ran on a narrow-gauge railway. It’s a forest railway, so it would transport items like wood through the forest.


What I love most about steam engines is the attention to detail. They’re perfectly crafted, and their design is incredibly appealing to me as a photographer. It’s a fascinating invention.

The day is coming to an end, and we must slowly head back home. The fact that it was a tiring day was evident in the car, as both kids fell asleep right away. The trip was wonderful and very educational.

Thank you.


Môj trojročný syn miluje vlaky a ja zas históriu a prírodu. Našťastie na Slovensku existuje miesto, kde môžeme spojiť jeho a moje záujmy. Tým miestom je Múzeum Liptovskej dediny v Pribyline. A tak sme sa tam v jeden pekný letný deň vybrali na výlet.

Môjmu synovi by sa určite páčilo, ak by sme do Pribyliny išli vlakom, no vybral som iný dopravný prostriedok. Predsa len vlakové spojenie by sme museli kombinovať s autobusovou dopravou a pri dvoch malých deťoch sa mi nechce veľa prestupovať a spoliehať sa na spoje. Ide sa autom. Cesta trvá necelú hodinu a sme na mieste.


Po zakúpení lístka vstupujeme do areálu múzea. Je to, ako by sme sa vrátili v čase a ocitli sa v niektorej z liptovských dedín spred sto, možno dvesto rokov. Všade okolo nás sú drevené domy. Iba v strede dediny stojí väčšia kamenná stavba, ktorá trochu pripomína kaštieľ. Som zvedavý, čo sa o tom dome dozvieme, keď sa pôjdeme pozrieť dovnútra. Na konci dediny sa ako strážca pozerá a na všetko dohliada kamenný kostol. Ale poďme pekne od začiatku.


Každý jeden drevený dom rozpráva iný príbeh. Je zariadený dobovým nábytkom a ukazuje nám, ako niekedy žili naši predkovia. Domy majú malé okná, aby nedochádzalo k veľkému úniku tepla. Z tohto dôvodu sú v domoch malé dvere a malé zárubne a nízke stropy.


A ako vyzerá dom remeselníka? Pozrieme sa do domu obuvníka. Vojdeme dnu cez malé dvere. V malej predsieni sa nachádza pec. Moje deti sa hneď chytili hrncov a išli si niečo dobré navariť.


Okrem predsiene sa v dome nachádza ešte jedna miestnosť. V nej je malý stôl, posteľ, príslušenstvo pre obuvníka a množstvo vyrobených topánok. Tam kde pracoval, tam aj jedol a spal. V jednej a tej istej miestnosti.


A čo táto kamenná stavba? Je to goticko-renesančný kaštieľ, ktorý pochádza z obce Parížovce. Parížovce, rovnako ako množstvo ďalších dedín boli potopené. Na Liptove sa vybudovala priehrada Liptovská Mara. Domy boli rozobraté a znovu postavené v skanzene.


Kaštieľ nám približuje život zámožnejšieho šľachtica. Krásne veľké izby, ktoré sú vybavené prepychovým nábytkom sa nedajú porovnať s malými izbami v drevených domoch okolo.


Veľká reprezentačná sála je podľa mňa úchvatná. Určite v minulosti urobila dojem na nejedného hosťa.


Kamenný kostol Panny Márie pochádza z obce Liptovská Mara. Presne tak sa volá aj priehrada, ktorá túto dedinu zaplavila. Kostol zbúrali a na novo postavili na tomto mieste. Kostol Panny Márie bol jedným z najvýznamnejších kostolov na Liptove. Okrem duchovného centra bol dlhé obdobie aj administratívne centrum a konali sa tu zasadnutia Liptovskej župy.


Ďalším z domov, ktorý ma upútal je táto škola.


V dnešnej dobe máme školníka, človeka, ktorý sa o školu stará. V minulosti to nebolo nutné, pretože učiteľ býval priamo v škole. V jednej malej miestnosti býval, v strede bola pec a tam si varil.


V najväčšej miestnosti v dome bola tabuľa, lavice a tam prebiehalo vyučovanie.


Popri potoku prichádzame k vodnému mlynu. Ten neodmysliteľne patril k najdôležitejším, ak nebol najdôležitejšou budovou v dedine. Tu sa mlelo obilie a vďaka nemu mali ľudia múku. Z nej mohli upiecť rôzne múčne dobroty.


Vychádzame z dediny a kráčame ďalej cez les popri potoku. Prechádzame popri tomto jazeru, ktoré je plné rýb.


Čaká nás zlatý klinec programu a tým je historická lesná železnica. Keď môj syn zbadal vlaky, rýchlo sa k nim rozbehol. Bol nezadržatelný.


Chvíľu som ho pozoroval. Vyzerá, že sa hral na rušňovodiča a práve sledoval, či už všetci cestujúci nastúpili. Je to paráda, teším sa s ním.


Sú tu veľmi pekné rušne. Zo všetkých sa mi najviac zapáčil tento. Je to parný ruseň typu U46902. Vo vlakoch sa veľmi nevyznám, všimol som si iba, že jazdil na úzkorozchodnej železnici. Je to lesná železnica, takže prevážal po lese napríklad drevo.


Na parných rušniach sa mi veľmi páči zmysel pre detail. Sú dokonale prepracované a ich dizajn je pre mňa ako fotografa mimoriadne príťažlivý. Je to zaujímavý vynález.

Deň sa chýli ku koncu a my sa musíme pomaly vrátiť domov. To, že to bol náročný deň sa mi potvrdilo v aute. Obe deti mi hneď zaspali. Výlet to bol úžasný a veľmi poučný.


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Your photos reminded me of my trip to Ópusztaszer, Hungary from 15-20 years ago! It was also an open-air village museum, showing the life of ordinary people in Hungary in the past... As both countries are close to each other, I suppose there are a lot of similarities...

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In the past, Slovakia and Hungary were part of the Kingdom of Hungary. Hungary was more of an agricultural country, but life was certainly quite similar.

Thank you

I always like old design, I think it's more whatever so now I'm still very surprised why modern design is more dominant. Even though the aesthetics of the previous design are much more beautiful.

I also like old elements. When I compare a beautiful steam locomotive from a photo with a modern high-speed train, the winner is clear.

The Liptov Village Museum in Pribylina seems like the perfect place to visit.
Travelling by car makes a lot of sense, especially with two small children.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos.


Travel Digest #2369.

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Beautiful structures. They remind me of the colonial era of my country, Venezuela. It also reminds me of the structures of "La Colonia Tovar", which was made many years ago by Germans in Venezuela.

Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and the Caribbean, these are places I would definitely like to visit one day.

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