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RE: Magical Evening in Leiden, Netherlands - Nostalgische kerstmarkt ( Christmas Market)

in Worldmappin3 months ago

Hi Liz, so glad to hear from you, I hope you are doing well...Before going to Leiden, I had no idea about the city much, I thought it would be like other typical Dutch cities but I was surprised to see the nightlife. The canal-side view was exclusive, I enjoyed walking there near the canal...Thanks, Liz for stopping by...

 3 months ago  

Yes, doing well. So sorry I come by not that often 😱 - I wish I had more time every day. Passing by travel blogs is one of my "happy to do" things. - Especially at blogs like yours where I always find such special places and feel like I have been there with you 😘😘 On the picture it looks like a Dutch Venice. Very beautiful to walk by 😍

Yes, I haven't seen you around for a long time post on Hive even though you were always there for Hive behind the curtain. I remember reading your travel post in 2018 and I was so inspired by your posts that I decided to write a travel post. My travel post journey started from there...

Yes, "Dutch Venice"; that's the right compliment...I am glad that I could give you a virtual tour of Leiden... Hope you will come here someday...

 3 months ago  

Yes, I just started posting again this year after Hivefest. Before I was so busy and already happy when having enough time for the project. With the change into worldmappin I prioritized it up again and I am glad to be back as I was missing the community a lot ❤️😎

Oh, really?! I didn´t know I was inspiring you. Now you have way more posts than me. - I was always a fan of your work @priyanarc! Glad to have you on board. Don´t you want to travel to Hivefest one day? 😘😎☀️

Hi Liz, I am glad that you finally decided to post again because many of us missed your travel experiences...Besides the main point is connecting with the community member again like you have mentioned...

Now you have way more posts than me. - I was always a fan of your work

You made me blush... Yes, last 4-5 years I have been to many places and I am grateful for that. I was in Hivefest 2022, Amsterdam and we met back then. We couldn't talk much. I couldn't visit Croatia this time due to circumstances but I will definitely be at Hivefest if it's in Europe...😁 Hivefest is the best...

 2 months ago  

oh man, Amsterdam was so busy 😱😱 - I hardly remember - so sorry. Hopefully you make it next time so we have more time to chat 😘😘
Yeah Hivefest is insane 😎😎