Hey Everyone
Rangan flower is a very popular plant. Rangan flower is a dense green plant that grows up to six meters high from the national plant genus. Rangan's distinctive garo red flower is in numerous flower clusters. The leaf blade is dense. The leaves are simple and the edges are very faceted or the edges are located between the two circles. The flower is a star-shaped arrangement of four petals. Tree seedlings can be grown from the green flowers of the eight-flowered Rudrakriti or if you cut the branches from the bottom of the tree and plant them in the ground and water them regularly, they will develop into root crops after a few days. Rangan can also be propagated by grafting. This flower comes in many varieties such as light orange, light pink, light red, and light yellow. These Rangan flowers are very beautiful to look at.
Here's two number photo
This third number flower pictures.
This is fourth number flower pictures.
And here's fiveth number picture
Here's is nice flowers.
Post Details
Community | world mappin |
Caegory | Blogging |
Device | I-Phone |
Location | Dhaka |
Caption | @raisul24 |