
Most of the photos were taken up by the castle, which wasn't very busy. The old town and especially the market was very busy though. I just didn't take any photos there. I often feel awkward taking photos in large crowds if it means stopping in busy streets and holding up foot traffic or if people think that I'm taking pictures of them lol. There have been so many times where I've thought "I should really take a picture of this cool market stall," but then I chicken out because I immediately think that the vendor will think I'm rude for taking a picture without buying anything or that I'll be in the way or something Haha. It's kind of silly but it's what I always end of thinking.

I have been thinking like that. Then I have joined a photography meetup and learned to be OK with that. It is easier with the group of people doing the same thing.

Yeah, I could see that being the case with a group and with practice 😄