RLT #3: Backdoor to Steamboat Springs in Colorado

in Worldmappinlast year (edited)

Steamboat Springs is a popular destination in Colorado. How do you get there? On U. S. Highway 40, of course ... No, no, no ...

That is not the RLT way!

Lead Photo: Hahns Peak, North of Steamboat Springs, Colorado
(Click on any image in this post, in PeakD, for an
enlarged view
of any picture of interest. Try it!)

We are going to come in from the North. Down from Wyoming! 🤠


Before taking a closer look, this is a map of the area:

Source: Illustrated Google map of area covered in this post

Here is a brief look at each of the highlight points illustrated above, with links to more information, if you are interested in learning more about it:

  1. South on CO RT 129, from Three Forks Ranch, covered in my last post.

  2. Hahns Peak - the most prominent in the area. Has an interesting history!

  3. Hahns Peak Lake - a pretty high mountain lake.

  4. Pearl Lake State Park - a very pretty serene mountain lake, off the main road.

  5. Nice private properties west of Steamboat Lake State Park.

  6. Beautiful ranch country down along the South Fork of the Elk River.


Let's be on our way! 😎

South on CO RT 129

In my last post, I mentioned the road along the Little Snake River ended at Three Forks Ranch and headed up into the high country south towards Hahns Peak.

This is that road!

Sheep, as well as cattle, graze this country. Separately ... They do not "play well together!"

A glorious day in the Aspen Belt!

Descending down into Hahns Peak Village
Photos: South on Colorado County Road 129 past Hahns Peak


It was such a treat to drive through the Aspen Belt, at this time of year. I was a touch late for optimum fall colors, but it was still very pleasant!

Around Hahns Peak

All around this prominent peak in the area, there are nice things to see and do. Let's go check some of them out!

Hahns Peak Lake

Great Blue Heron looking for dinner, at the edge of Hahns Peak Lake

Colorado State Park at Pearl Lake

Beautiful setting for a private residence west of Steamboat Lake
Photos: Area around Hahns Peak


At 8,100 ft (2,450 m), the air is a little thin up in this beautiful area, but getting out and walking all around these high country lakes was wonderful. I also visited Steamboat Lake State Park and its Visitors Center, which is worth the visit, but captured no standout pictures to share here.

South Fork Elk River Valley

Before going on down into Steamboat Springs, the wonderful mountain river coming to meet the highway below Steamboat Lake provided an irresistible temptation.

To do what?

Well, change plans and head up into the high country to check it out, of course. Delaying my arrival, but ... Gotta stop and "smell the roses" (none around here, though 😉), as we travel through life, right?

And, while I am at it, I might as well drive around and capture some images of the impressive ranch country all around this beautiful river.

South Fork of the Elk River. Very little more soothing to the soul of this man
than the sight and sound of a clear running mountain stream

It's a tough job, but somebody has to live out here!
South Fork of the Elk River, after a lot of water has been taken out for irrigating these fields!

High country hay farming with Elk Mountain in the background

End of the valley, then final descent down canyon in the distance to Steamboat Springs
Photos: Beautiful South Fork of the Elk River


There is so much high country above what you see here, with all this water coming down from the western slope of the Mt. Zirkel Wilderness. I would like to come back someday, with a good 4-WD vehicle and explorer all through up in there!


Traveling from "A to B," are we often so busy we do not have or make the time to get there other than in the fastest way possible? The ultimate being getting there (mostly ...) in an airplane?

Well, then ...

Welcome to ...
"fly over"

I hope you enjoyed "seeing through my eyes" this remote part of the American West. If so, I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build up our Hive Communities and add increasing value to our Hive blockchain! 👍 😊


Hive "Dolphin" 🐬 & Man Cave "Dragon" 🐉

Blogger @roleerob

P.S. Unless otherwise noted, all images are pictures taken by my smartphone - a Samsung Galaxy S9+.


“Immutably enshrined” in the Hive blockchain on Sunday, 11 February 2024!
🌲 No trees were harmed in the publishing of this post! 🌲

Interested in reading more of my travel-related posts?

RLT #1: Battle Pass Scenic Byway
The first of my RLT ("Road Less Traveled") series, as I began writing again on Hive in 2024. An open road. With no one on it. Out in remote portions of the great American West. Hmmm. I wonder what it all means?
Fond Memories: Return to Spirit West River Lodge
A remarkable place. Built by remarkable people. Writing about it resulted in some of my highest rewarded posts, including "Daily Top Payout" on Hive. Please don't miss
my tribute
to Lynn Finney, in the top comment.
R2R Travelogue: Recap of "@roleerob's excellent adventure!" In winter ...
My R2R series - "Road to Recovery" trip of a lifetime. In 31 days, I drove 4,984 miles through a part of 8 states - Colorado, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Unforgettable memories relived and new ones made!


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Map of roleerob's
travel-related posts!

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Beautiful 🤩 Always a joy to trip through the countryside beyond Wyoming “through your eyes” @roleerob!

Definitely take a 4-WD vehicle and explore a little further.

Friend, the wanderlust is strong within us - haha 🫡

🌄 Good morning! ☕ Always nice to hear from you, @actaylor. Glad to learn you found my description of this leg of a very memorable time for me enjoyable. I am just getting started, with the "climax" (in my view) coming a few posts "down the road" at a location in southern Colorado ...

"Definitely take a 4-WD vehicle and explore a little further."

Yes, a long desired temptation. One which I have abided here and there. As you might see in other of my posts, my wonderful little road warrior is a 4-WD vehicle. It is the time constraints I am constantly under holding me back ...

  • It might interest you (and others) to note the American West has a number of 4-WD communities, with going out on weekends to explore yet another section of 4-WD trail, as their objective. I would be hardly exaggerating to say one could do that the rest of their lives and still not see it all ...

"Friend, the wanderlust is strong within us - haha 🫡"

In an earlier stage of my professional life, I used to travel by air all the time. These days? I much, much prefer ... "windshield time" ... driving through "fly-over" country! Hahaha ... 😉👋


Hmmm. Interesting to just get this notification:

"The first AI powered recap of the best photography posts on PeakD and Hive ..."

I guess the AI bot likes these pictures!? 🤷‍♂️ I haven't the slightest idea, though, how it would go about making that determination ...

Amazing world we live in!

P.S. Although ... Here is another post highlighted:

Maybe still a bit of work in progress ... 😉