If this is the type of content we have to look forward to I consider us lucky! Amazing post! You have a wonderful gift of writing and I can't wait to hear about your next adventure. To be honest when I read your intro post I assumed the next post would be a more typical "My surfing trip to Puerto Rico" or "Partying at Carnival in Brazil". This was a pleasant surprise. Not that I am opposed to surfing trips and partying in Brazil, but this had so much more depth. Really glad my brother ran into you and you joined this community! Cheers!
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Hey there, thank you so much for saying this, I needed it. I have a hard time putting myself out in the open and this applies especially towards writing. I spent the better part of the last 13 years working seasonally and then traveling alone the rest of the year. I wont lie, I had my surf trips, my parties on islands, the cliché travel experiences. However, the memories that changed my life completely took place when I immersed myself fully. I had to let go of what I felt comfortable with and accept the unknown. These are the moments I want to share. Thank you for giving me the courage to continue that. There are many stories I want to share, some very funny and light, some darker and more depth filled. I will promise this, they will all have a core meaning to them, sustenance. Thank you again and I am so glad I met your brother as well! I can still hear his laugh, love it! cheers buddy