Far away from Tokyo, in a foreign land lies Tucson(Two-sawn), a city in Southern Arizona. It was made famous by the many silver and mineral mines in the surrounding areas in the 1800's. In January and February it returns to it's roots to becomes home of the world's largest gem and mineral show. There are actually several shows, shops and mobile sellers spread out all over the city for several weeks.
It's almost like a pilgrimage for people in the gem and mineral world due to it's size, scope and opportunity. While I had been to Tucson in the off season before, I finally attended the event for the first time last year. In the past I had gone to another city farther northwest called Quartzite, which also has a large gem and mineral show Jan. 1 through the end of February, but that's another story.
Lets have a look at some of the shows I attend.
Mineral City is one of my favorite shows. I attend because a few of my friends exhibit and I am familiar with about half of the dealers. It helps to know who you are dealing with so you won't get overcharged or worse scammed.
This is a freind's shop, Leighman Minerals.
Chris Leighman collects about 80% of his own minerals in the California & Nevada mountains. Every time I see him I buy boxes of specimens because I know exactly where they are from, the work involved to get them and his prices can't be beat. Like this bladed epidote he dug in 2023.
In addition my friend, everyone's friend to be honest, Alfredo Petrov, is also part of Just Minerals. He works for Jewel Tunnel and is a world renowned minerologist. He is also part of the team that runs mindat.org the world's go to website for minerals & localities.
Then there's The Arkenstone, also part of Just Minerals. Who is The Arkenstone? Well, the owner, Rob Lavinsky, is one of the top collectors in the USA and probably the entire world. Take a minute to watch this amazing video and decide for yourself.
?h=31113aad50Then there's Collector's Edge from Denver. When these guys found a gemstone they liked, the just went in, bought the whole mine and started digging specimens. Legends.
Or Midwest Minerals. They are actually open all year, but really stock up and pull out the goods for the Tucson event.
Just some huge chunks of New Mexico fluorite in a wagon.
Next to Midwest is Barlow's. They are also open all year and offer lots of rough minerals for polishing or carving.
With over 170 dealers you can and will spend an entire day here easily. And that's just 1 show out of many. Let's look at a smaller one just across the street called Just Minerals.
Just Minerals is a small show of 10 dealers. Even so, It's an important show, as the line to get in proves.
In part because of some of the dealers, like Cal Graeber and Miner's Kingdom, both from Fallbrook, California. They specialize in Southern California minerals, especially the Pala & Mesa Grande pegmatites.
Miners Kingdom, is a good friend of mine. We go mineral collecting together in both the USA and Japan. They also do cleaning, prepping and repairing of mineral specimens for some of the large dealers like The Arkenstone & Sullivan Stones.
Because of Cal & Miners Kingdom you can find some special, Southern California mineral specimens at reasonable prices.
Next to Just Minerals is B2B mineral's warehouse and across the street from that is a monster tent full of foreign and domestic dealers and their specimens.
If these shows aren't enough there are plenty of other shows all over the city. There are even flea markets full of smaller collectors and dealers. Often times at these places you will find the hidden gems because they are self collected.
Each and every show and dealer will have something unique from the others so you have to either know where to go or just spend days visiting all the different shows and dealers. Oh, and there are even rental homes turned into showrooms by some dealers. It's really trip to experience and spend a lot of money at!
If you are interested in visiting check out this site for all of the main shows https://tucsongemshow101.com/schedule-2025
I will be there the weekend of 1/31. See ya in Tucson!
Thanks for reading!
Wow! Amazing! So many collectors of minerals and rocks. This is serious business! People are crazy about rocks and crystals! I would spend a few days in these tents! And I would be charged up with all the energy of these rocks. It’s a crystal healer’ s paradise.
Right! You would be amazed at the stuff there. Even up Quartzite, the city about 3hrs Northwest, there are beautiful stones.
It still blows my mind how big that even ends up being.
You and me both. It's so big I don't even know where some of the events are. Like the flea market about 15 minutes up the road from Just Minerals show. We found some miners at the flea market selling nice fluorites they had dug in Colorado. It's crazy.
Like Rob says in the video, we had no idea how big the market was until the internet.
I lived in Tucson for many years and I was surprised people from all over the world knew about that.
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What a beautiful moment, thank you for sharing these beautiful images♥️
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