Rock solid deduction as always, Stone carvers have a nice calm attitude usually and lots of patience. Strangely enough there are a few really good carvers locally I think they might have been brought here by the time machine.
Or maybe they're actually aliens...
Probably just spent a lot of time carving rocks.
Are you saying that practicing the thing one want's to be good at, makes you better at it? No, that can't be it. I vote for time machine.
Time machine almost definitely, Practice is overrated, I should probably just travel back in time when having a lighter would make you a king.
Or a witch. Better keep one of your fingers on the: back to the future -button. Just in case for a quick escape.
Probably only if your female, men seemed to be able to get away with the unexplained generally as men of science, alchemy, wizards, prophets. A time machine would explain Greek fire though.
That's a valid point. But then again we don't know how the time machine affects on the person going to past, does that person remain as they are, be younger or appear as something else like the opposite sex or perhaps a cat? A rat? Or a bird! There were so much more birds in the times gone, they could have all been time travelers! And yes, I totally believe your Greek fire deduction. So many things can be explained if time machine is true.
There's a humour there, the infinite knowledge of the universe, the origins of creation, the alpha and omega, the mysteries of time itself could be yours, but all you'll ever be able to share is tweet tweet tweet
😃 Exactly!