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RE: Siliget. Fortress built by monks

in Worldmappin3 years ago

In Hungary, as far as I know, there are quite a lot of similar objects that need to be restored. Although, I don’t know this for sure, since I’m still in the process of studying and visiting castles. Well, or at least make sure that they are not destroyed further due to the weather, for example.

Pay attention in this post to the end of the text, where it says that the roof collapsed (
Journey to Nevytske Castle Therefore, even such work is very good. For example, @scrodinger once wrote about a castle in Ukraine (where I come from), which, due to insufficient funding, is being destroyed very much and very quickly.


Yeah, it is similar everywhere. Corrupted politics don't hive money for repairs and don't invest into it. Probably castles in private hands get better treatment.