неудачный эксперимент. "что-то пошло не так". на скриншоте ниже - теги, которые имеет ваш пост. ткните меня пожалуйста, в то место где находится #creativecoin? я его не вижу.
я сейчас пишу длинную ликбез-статью про использование тегов на Hive, она вероятнее всего оказалась бы вам полезной. но у меня нет уверенности когда я ее опубликую.
Of course, look! I added this keyword to my post, I don't see any effect from it. Why are you looking at the previously posted post I do not understand. keywords are not edited after posting. In any case, the system of such changes does not accept me. At the moment, this keyword has not had any positive impact on the new post.
you cant edit the 1st tag (which, in case you've shared your post to community instead of your own personal blog, indeed cant be changed - 1st tag is the tag of a certain community).
in other cases you CAN EDIT ANY TAG of your post.
if you have difficulties with editing... well, what can I say?
there is something you doing wrong, and I cant say what it is, as i am not telepath : )
also, if you used maximum of 10 tags, than you can not add 11-th tag, thats correct, you have to delete one, and to change it to another.
неудачный эксперимент. "что-то пошло не так". на скриншоте ниже - теги, которые имеет ваш пост. ткните меня пожалуйста, в то место где находится #creativecoin? я его не вижу.
я сейчас пишу длинную ликбез-статью про использование тегов на Hive, она вероятнее всего оказалась бы вам полезной. но у меня нет уверенности когда я ее опубликую.
Of course, look! I added this keyword to my post, I don't see any effect from it. Why are you looking at the previously posted post I do not understand. keywords are not edited after posting. In any case, the system of such changes does not accept me. At the moment, this keyword has not had any positive impact on the new post.
absolutely not correct statement!
you cant edit the 1st tag (which, in case you've shared your post to community instead of your own personal blog, indeed cant be changed - 1st tag is the tag of a certain community).
in other cases you CAN EDIT ANY TAG of your post.
if you have difficulties with editing... well, what can I say?
there is something you doing wrong, and I cant say what it is, as i am not telepath : )
also, if you used maximum of 10 tags, than you can not add 11-th tag, thats correct, you have to delete one, and to change it to another.