Same here buddy! Everything is going great although I need to go on a trip to the islands too soon haha.
It really is an amazing place that I could just stay in forever. That's awesome that you already have plans to go back 😄
Yes I can imagine myself falling down quite a lot with that 😂 Still looks like great fun though.
Do share with me your experience if you ever get to try it! Would love to do it again next year since I barely got the hang of it right when the time is up for the session 😅
Yeah heading back next year would mean that it is the 3rd year running for me going back to Koh Samui, which is great! Not complaining at all ✌️
Are you base in Thailand? I saw some of your older posts, they were from Thailand.
I will definitely share it here when I try it out. 😄 time probably passes really quick with that. Same with all those water activities really.
Been about a year since I was there now. Hopefully I'll get to go again soon. Yes I am based in Thailand now. 😄
Yeah that is true, the only one that seems like you could play forever would probably be the Stand-Up-Paddle (SUP). You can rent it for an hour session or so!
Oh that's great, based there for work or? Thailand is a place I frequent, maybe could catch you someday, haha! 😅
Never tried SUP either actually. Did some kayaking in Phuket and damn what a workout that is haha.
Yes I will be here at least until the end of the year. Haha sure thing man! 😄 I'll be around.
Oh haha end of the year, that might be tough since we are pretty close to the year end already huh? Don't think I would be making any trips to Thailand for the remaining few months 😅
Oh yeah SUP was pretty tiring after awhile so I just lay on the paddleboard instead and suntan on it, not do anything and let the waves take me 😂