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RE: Heysen Trail Part 1 _ Spalding to Hallett

in Worldmappin3 years ago
Wow, great pics and write-up about your journey thus far! Kudos! I think the magnets are a fabulous idea! 😃 The only catch is that you published the QR Code? Read this post twice (by mistake, I'm sure), 12 minutes apart, so the "Loving Hive" community "muted" the second post. That means it is the first post that someone will see when going to the @hive.magnets account, which is not good PR... 😬 My suggestion is [when you have time], write a really cool post about what Hive is: a fast, scalable blockchain with fast transaction times, no fees, with blogging, games, investment opportunities, etc. and publish it from that account so it's on top of the blog page!

Thank you @thekittygirl. I did notice that a day or so later. I had to edit the original post a few times to get the images looking right and for some reason, the Ecency app duplicated it instead of changing the original 🤦‍♂️

It's shame, but I can't blame them for muting it

Just got to look at it with a sense of humour. Can't change it now 🤣

You're absolutely right though, I need to make a new post for a better first impression. The difficulty will be making it different enough that it doesn't also get muted, while keeping the same basic message intact

Any suggestions on how I might do that?