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RE: Chateau Šimák in Pezinok

in Worldmappinlast year

A very interesting concept to create inside a castle accommodation or a restaurant (I'm sure both the service and the food were perfect).
Seeing this post here reminded me that we here in Romania have such a concept, but we are not there yet.


It becomes quite common in Slovakia as it's a good source of income for such properties. Museums are cool too, but they don't bring enough resources for the maintenance..

Hope, you're doing well 😊

You are right, I was thinking that if we transform these places where years of history are hidden, they will have the same value if we intervene and give them another use?
Hugs from Romania!

I always like to see when historical places get new purpose. Some might argue that it's lowering their value, but I think it's better to maintain the place than to let it fall in decay... If I had the money I would buy a castle too and turn it into an event location 😁

When it comes to abandoning castles, I don't agree with that either.
And here in Romania, I know several such castles that were bought years ago by some "foreign investors", but since they bought them until today they have done nothing with them, too bad that their history is buried in rubble.
Have a wonderful weekend.