Hey buddy! Been way too long since checking in on you. Was a lot of fun hanging out with you Pai a couple years back. All this time since covid I've been in Thailand. I was planning on going to Gorgia last summer....but you know, if I went there I wouldn't be able to get back to my warm safe haven of Thailand. You know I'm a spoiled shit and don't do cold weather unless I have to! hahaha
These days I'm just chillen in Koh Phangan living the island life. I have a good group of friends here which is nice.
It's so nice to see that still one of us internationally traveling. How has moving around the planet been for you the past year. I hear Georgia is a great pay less get more destination that's been on my radar for years. You certainly got there before me. I love Thailand, but I'm surely missing affordable quality wine and cheese! I heard Georgia has more than enough to go around.
Anyway buddy. I wish you continued success with Haveyoubeenhere. Great project and I like how you teamed up in some ways with travelfeed, which has been very good to me.
I was lucky enough to double down on hive at 10 cents, adding 10k of HP. So I have to spread some votes around a bit. I simply don't have much time to currate but I know you always post good stuff so onto the autovoter you go.
Have a great day buddy and have some wine and cheese for me while you're there!
Haha, I see you got stuck in Thailand! 😄 Not a bad place to be stuck in for sure!
I'm more for the tropical countries as well usually, but there are too many advantages to be based out of here and my brother was already living here too in Georgia! 😄
Good to hear man, I could use a bit of island life too for sure!
Honestly, I haven't traveled much the last two years. But I won't complain, I managed to throw in a few smaller trips within Europe and now of course I'm in Georgia!
Thanks, it's been a lot of fun slowly watching it come alive! 😄
Thanks, I appreciate it! If you want to help travelers in general you can always follow the @pinmapple trail if you aren't already! 😄
Definitely had plenty of wine last night, enjoy a Singha on me over there! 😄