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haha... thank you, bro. Many hindu diety have their own personal vaahans. Lord Ganesha's being a mouse 😁.

Oh crap, out of all other "vehicles" he chose a mouse?

They didn't have lambo back then, so yeah, that was not an option, but a mouse ? 🐁... They surely multiply fast though. 😁

and to muddle the waters further he is half elephant. πŸ˜‚
He should have learnt from his father Lord Shiva how to handle the bull.😁

Omg, this is hilarious. πŸ˜‚

But thinking about it now, they say elephants are afraid of mice. So maybe it was his way to conquer his fear, like he wanted to be the "scary" one. 😁

Either way, I agree he should've learned how to handle the bull instead. What a disgrace! πŸ˜›

Another fun fact: Shiva is the one who chopped Ganesha's human head in the first place πŸ™ƒ.
Well, he later managed to replace it with an elephant head. πŸ€ͺ

Lord Shiva is a badass. Even other Gods fear his wrath.

I know shiva is badass, that's why I'm avoiding criticizing him. 😜

Didn't know he chopped off his son's head though. Yikes! 😬

Cause he didn't know at the time that he is his son.

This is one of the weirdest convos ever. 😁