in Blogging Challenge4 years ago
Authored by @tripode

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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 9/6/2021 are:
Autor: @freidimar18
Blogging challenge: Parte 5- Día 13: Senderismo de montaña o navegación || Day 13: Mountain hiking or sailing [ESP-ENG]

Hola a todos los miembros de esta gran comunidad de Blogging Challenge, ya en mi día trece del desafío 5, en esta oportunidad la pregunta a contestar se titula Senderismo de montaña o navegación

Hello to all the members of this great Blogging Challenge community, already on my eleventh day of challenge 5, this time the question to answer is entitled A dysfunctional relationship you have been in

En primer lugar, no eligiría navegación porque

Autor: @joysse

(ESP-ENG) Blogging challenge 2 Día 20: Explica tu profesión a un niño 👦: LA GEOQUÍMICA

Hola mi querido Hiver!!👋👋 Bienvenido un día más a tu blog de confianza😚!!!!!

Hello my dear Hiver!!!👋👋Welcome one more day to your blog of confidence 😚!!!!!

Hoy te voy a explicar de una forma muy sencilla ¿cuál es mi profesión? Y es que si ya me sigues desde el inicio sabrás que me gradué como Licenciada en Geoquímica y es muy cómico para mí este challenge porque durante mi carrera, cuando alguien me preguntaba, ¿Qué estas

Autor: @andrearojas55

Day 7 - Your 5 Favorite Songs | Days 30 #BloggingChallenge by andrearojas55

¡Hello Hivers!❣️

Edicion desde Canva

¡Vuelvo a participar en el blogging challenge parte 1 de 30 días y en esta oportunidad compartiré mis 5 canciones favoritas! Si quieres unirte a esta iniciativa y te quedaste sin ideas puedes hacer click aquí. De seguro te divertirás tanto como yo.

Autor: @saravm82

Blogging Challenge Part 2 | Day 17 — What would the perfect world be like? | ¿Como sería el mundo perfecto?

Hello everyone in this beautiful community, one more question for today and it has been very interesting giving much to talk about and also bringing up for conversation topics, but today touches a very personal question and how we can see the world in our own way and is what would the perfect world? be like?.

Autor: @sabrip

BLOGGING CHALLENGE | PART - 1 DAY 1 | Explaing your blogs name [ENG-ESP]

Greetings hivers. Today I will start the challenges in this wonderful community of Blogging Challenge. The acceptance they have had has been incredible, so much so that they are already on part 5. I want to congratulate the organizers for motivating us to do our best and for supporting us through these challenges.
Autor: @alejandrojra

EN/ES BloggingChallenge, Day 19. A Confession

Greetings dear friends, I am very excited to be here again😋.

Welcome to my blog today
We continue with the 30 days of the challenge number 01 of the BloggingChallenge in the question number 19 which is about: A Confession.

Saludos queridos amigos, estoy muy entusiasmado al estar aqui nuevamente😋

Bienvenidos a mi blog, el día de hoy
Seguimos con los 30 días del reto número 01 del BloggingChallenge en la pregunta número 19 que trata sobre: Una Confesión

Hoy me

Autor: @alejandrojra

EN/ES BloggingChallenge Day 21. Guilt-ridden pleasure.

Greetings dear friends, I am very excited to be here again😋.

Welcome to my blog today
We continue with the 30 days of the challenge number 01 of the BloggingChallenge in the question number 21 which is about: Guilt-ridden pleasure .

Saludos queridos amigos, estoy muy entusiasmado al estar aqui nuevamente😋

Bienvenidos a mi blog, el día de hoy
Seguimos con los 30 días del reto número 01 del BloggingChallenge en la pregunta número 21 que trata sobre: Placer que

Autor: @jerrystitches

Prediction time,what will happen in five years?

prediction time,what will happen in five years?
good morning lover ❣️❣️ my own prediction to way nigeria is going now is gonna massively worst,in such a way that everyone is going to be running here and there to survive.just of recent as at yesterday we got a news not to sleep tight that war is coming from the Fulani,day want to attack the Yoruba's.
Autor: @eliguzmane

Viviera como nómada | 30 Days Blogging Challenge | Part 3 Day 4

Hello mis amores, un gusto saludarlos este nuevo inicio de semana. ❤️

El día de hoy es un día muy particular ya que si el dinero no fuera problema seguramente no estaría realizando llamadas durante toda la tarde/noche con la finalidad de obtener un "ingreso extra" y así poder ahorrar para comprar mi pasaje de avión.

Autor: @giravidas1104

[ESP-ING] BLOGGING CHALLENGE PARTE 1/DÍA 8: 5 Objetivos Actuales - 5 Current Goals



¡Hola Abejitas bellas!

Hoy es día de compartir 5 de mis objetivos actuales, sin mucho preámbulo:

8- 5 Objetivos Actuales

8.1 Estabilidad Económica

Mas alla de la vana ilusión del dinero como sustento a la felicidad, mi deseo de estabilidad económica se arraiga en el propósito de tener un hogar donde la alimentación sana, la salud y la educación no sean un lujo.

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Special thanks to:

  • Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!Our curators: @kat.eli and @blukei that we gladly call
  • Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for?And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.

Again thanks to the Blogging Challenge community for valuing my post, that really makes me happy, happy to continue sharing my personal life with each of you, greetings. And congratulations to those mentioned!