Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.

The posts selected on 18/6/2021 are:

Hola mis apreciados hivers hoy me he animado a participar en las rondas de preguntas del blogging challenge, el cual me parece genial ya que ayudan a que conozcan un poco más de nosotros dentro de la blockchain.

Hola hermosa comunidad, estuve un poco ausente por aquí. Pero, deben tener en cuenta que siempre regresaré porque disfruto escribir para ustedes y responder cada #BloggingChallenge, en esta ocasión responderé la pregunta que corresponde al día 18.
Si ganarás la lotería...
Bueno, no había pensado esto antes.

Hello everyone, my favorite quote is" THE TIME TO START IS NOW".
Whatever thing you consider doing that will add value to your life is better doing now.
Now is the time to pursue that skill you are passionate about.
Now is the time to go get that degree you wanted so badly.

Feliz día a todos los usuarios de Hive! Saludos especiales a los que forman parte de la dinámica bloggingchallenge 🤗
Continuando con el desafío, hoy les estaré comentando cuál ha Sido mi momento de mayor orgullo. Creo que a todos, desde niños de una u otra forma nos educan para que al crecer seamos independientes.

Este día les hablaré de mi frase favorita.
Pero primero quiero empezar agradeciendo a @blogging-team por esta maravillosa actividad.
Quiero establecer antes que nada, que mi palabra favorita es "Infame". Por lo que siempre la empleo al empezar o terminar una oración, o en medio de oraciones.

To answer the Spring - love or hate it question We must first look at location. I live in New Zealand and the seasons down here are opposite to that of the Northern Hemisphere, so in New Zealand we are experiencing Autumn/Winter.

¡Muy buenas noches! Este es mi primer post en esta comunidad. Me comentaron sobre el challenge y me quise unir... sólo que subiré los post en desorden, dependiendo de lo que me anime a escribir cada vez que publique je je
Good night! This is my first post in this community.
Autor: @carlaabanto
[esp/eng] Bloggingchallenge parte 4 día 4. Qué sabes sobre la inteligencia emocional?/ Bloggingchallenge part 4 day 4.What do you know about emotional intelligence?
Buen día! . A toda la comunidad activa de bloggingchallenge en esta oportunidad responderé la parte 4 el día 4. Qué sabes sobre la inteligencia emocional?.
Hello Hive community
Good morning! To all the active bloggingchallenge community, this time I will answer part 4 on the 4.

Hello beautiful community, today I am here with another topic from the Blogging Challenge-part 1 / day 6: "What are you afraid of?
The truth is I am a fearful person, I am constantly afraid that something bad will happen to me, but if we talk about fears I can speak.

Hello my girls and boys here I am with my Blogging Challenge part 1 / day 7: Your 5 favorite songs.
The truth is that I have many songs that I love, if I don't know which ones to choose because there are several songs that drive me crazy hahaha, but well here I will tell you my 5 favorite songs.

What Makes My Happy
What makes me happy, this question always be heard inside of my mind then in a hurry I try to think about my own happiness. Absolutely, there are so many things that can make me feel happy such as traveling, shopping, playing with kids, etcetera.

Hola nuevamente amigos de HIVE, ya este es mi último artículo del gran blogging challenge parte V, sé que me tarde un poco en terminarlo, pero fue por varios motivos, como les estuve comentando surgieron varios problemas por los cuales estuve un poco ausente, pero hoy me siento feliz, porque logre este objetivo.

Special thanks to:
- Power Rangers because their duty is to help all citizens of the community to have a better experience and they are doing a great job!Our curators: @kat.eli and @blukei that we gladly call
- Our wonderful sponsors @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
- Senseis for making all this possible.
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for?And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.