Blogging challenge part 1 day 2: 20 facts of about me

How are you doing? Hope you having a great day. This is my day 2 part 1 of the blogging challenge



Twenty fact about myself

  1. I am from okewumi family. 2.I am the second child in my family. 3. I have three wonderful children all boys 4. I am a woman. 5. I am beautiful. 6. I am simple. 7. I could get mood swing sometimes. 8. I am always happy. 9. I hate lies. 10. I hate cheating. 11. I love rabbit as pet. 12. I can sing very well. 13. I am light in complexion. 14. I love wearing beautiful things. 15. I love eating fried rice. 16. I don't like trouble. 17. I like teaching. 18. I like learning new things. 19. I am alive. 20. I was born 11th of May

Thamks for checking my blog and stay tune to day 3 of the blogging challenge.