[ESP-ENG]- #BloggingChallenge I- DAY 20- Part 1| Primer recuerdo de la infancia - Earliets childhood memory.

in Blogging Challenge4 years ago




Hola mis abejitas hoy continuo con el #BloggingChallenge es mi dia #20, el dia de hoy es el primer recuerdo de mi infancia, es un recuerdo muy particular fue el momento en el que nos mudamos de un apartamento alquilado a una casa propia.

Tenia yo como 3 años de edad, y mi mama decidio llevarme a ver y conocer la casa, al llegar a la ultima parada de bus que teniamos antes de llegar a la casa, nos agarro una lluvia muy pero muy fuerte, recuerdo que tuvimos que escampar bajo un techito que conseguimos y mi mama me coloco un impermeable amarillo que yo tenia, que era de piolin.


Luego llegamos a la casa pues el baño aun era el piso de tierra nos bañabamos y al salir teniamos los pies llenos de tierra, pero son sacrificios que todos debemos hacer para tener nuestras propias cosas, era un desastre toda la casa, nos toco poner el colchón en el piso y dormir asi, ya que la mudanza no se habia echo completa y faltaban muchas cosas por traer.

Aun asi mis padres decidieron que ya nos quedariamos alli a vivir asi faltaran cosas por hacer, y poco a poco se irían acomodando las otras cositas que faltaban.


Mi mama trabajaba muy duro dia tras dia para poder completar y pagar tanto los materiales como la mano de obra de la construcción, ya que ella cuando compro el terreno no habia nada construido asi que se tuvo que empezar de cero.

Es lindo este primer recuerdo que tengo de mi uso de razon, y que al pasar de los años sigue estando presente en mis pensamientos y mis recuerdos.





Hello my little bees today I continue with the #BloggingChallenge is my day #20, today is the first memory of my childhood, it is a very particular memory was the moment when we moved from a rented apartment to a house of our own.

I was about 3 years old, and my mom decided to take me to see and know the house, when we arrived to the last bus stop we had before arriving to the house, we were caught in a very, very heavy rain, I remember we had to camp under a little roof that we got and my mom put me a yellow raincoat that I had, which was made of piolin.


Then we arrived at the house because the bathroom still had a dirt floor, we took a bath and when we got out we had our feet full of dirt, but these are sacrifices that we all have to make to have our own things, the whole house was a mess, we had to put the mattress on the floor and sleep like that, since the moving was not complete and there were many things to bring.

Even so, my parents decided that we would stay there to live even if there were still things to be done, and little by little the other things that were missing would be arranged.


My mother worked very hard day after day to be able to complete and pay for the materials and labor for the construction, since when she bought the land there was nothing built so we had to start from scratch.

It is nice this first memory that I have of my use of reason, and that over the years is still present in my thoughts and my memories.



Todas las fotografías me pertenecen y fueron tomadas con Redmi Note 9s
Texto en Inglés traducido en DeepL Traductor.
All photographs belong to me and were taken with Redmi Note 9s
Text in English translated in DeepL Translator.

Gracias mis amores por llegar hasta aqui y leer mi post. Saludos ❤️
