Blogging Challenge [ESP-ENG] Part 3 - Día 22 ¿Cual es tu mejor caracteristica? | What is your best feature?

in Blogging Challenge4 years ago


Que tal amigos, en el día 22 y la pregunta es ¿Cual es tu mejor caracteristica?

Sin duda alguna mi mejor caracteristica es la persistencia. Durante toda mi vida he sido persistente hasta lograr la mayoría de mis objetivos y en aquellos que no he logrado he agradecido la experiencia.

Cabe destacar que antes de esforzarme e invertir mi tiempo en algún objetivo hago un analisis para determinar si vale la pena o si por el contrario no me aportará nada, y de beneficiarme persisto hasta que ya no hayan mas posibilidades.

En la vida la persistencia es clave para alcanzar muchos de los objetivos. Diría que va arraigada a la disciplina. Sino se cumple con eso al poco tiempo de no ver resultados alguno. Lo cual esta bien, no estamos para perder tiempo. Pero en ocasiones hay que dar un poco mas ya que puede que en ese pequeño tramo que falta encontremos lo que venimos buscando. Es en lo que trato de enfocarme.

Hello friends, it's day 22 and the question is What is your best feature?.

Without a doubt my best feature is persistence. Throughout my life I have been persistent until I have achieved most of my goals and in those that I have not achieved I have been grateful for the experience.

It is worth mentioning that before I make an effort and invest my time in any objective I make an analysis to determine if it is worth it or if on the contrary it will not bring me anything, and if I benefit from it I persist until there are no more possibilities.

In life, persistence is key to achieving many goals. I would say that it is rooted in discipline. If you don't follow through with it soon after you don't see any results. Which is fine, we are not here to waste time. But sometimes you have to give a little more because maybe in that small missing stretch we find what we are looking for. That is what I try to focus on.



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