Greetings, this is the sixth day of the Blogging Challenge Part 4 and I share with you a list that describes people with good manners in my culture..
There are some things that bother me about the behavior of some people in my culture, although it is true that not all people are the same, some Venezuelans go too far in invading people's personal space in a certain way, they take confidence that they were never given and in some cases they do not respect, fortunately they are not the majority, This could be related to the warmth of the people, but one thing is to be smiling or friendly with others (a common characteristic of Latin Americans) and another thing is to be overconfident, so the list of characteristics that I consider good manners in my culture, really is like a list of what should be in my opinion.
Una persona con modales respeta la libertad de credo y la postura política de los demás.
Mucha personas dicen que son respetuosos, sin embargo cuando se dan cuenta que otra persona no cree o no profesa sus misma creencia religiosa, tratan de convencer al otro o simplemente lo empiezan a ver como alguien inferior, es esa especie de prepotencia en la cual una persona se cree superior a otra por su fe no para mí no son buenos modales, por lo que una persona con modales simplemente aceptaría que cada persona tiene derecho a decidir su fe y no hay que faltarle el respeto al llamarlo pecador por mencionar un ejemplo, lo mismo ocurre con la postura política, incluso me ha llegado a pasar que las personas no respetan mi decisión de comer carnes rojas y algunos tipos de alimentos.
A person with manners respects the freedom of creed and political stance of others.
Many people say they are respectful, however when they realize that another person does not believe or does not profess their same religious belief, they try to convince the other or simply start to see him as someone inferior, it is that kind of arrogance in which a person believes he is superior to another because of his faith is not for me not good manners, So a person with manners would simply accept that each person has the right to decide his faith and we should not disrespect him by calling him a sinner to mention an example, the same happens with the political stance, it has even happened to me that people do not respect my decision to eat red meat and some types of food.
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Una persona con modales no besa o toca a los demás sin su consentimiento
En mi país es común que muchas personas saluden con un beso incluso hasta las personas que acaban de conocer, aunque para algunas personas esto es algo muy particular de nuestra cultura y lo asocian con la educación, para mi es todo lo contrario, porque solo los amigos cercanos o familia deberían tener ese tipo de acercamiento.
A person with manners does not kiss or touch others without their consent.
In my country it is common for many people to greet with a kiss even to people they have just met, although for some people this is something very particular to our culture and they associate it with politeness, for me it is the opposite, because only close friends or family should have that kind of approach.
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Una persona con modales es amable con el trato a los demás
No hace falta sonreír todo el tiempo para considerarse una persona amable, es decir, se puede ser amable cuando se respeta las normas sociales, se actúa con respeto a las personas y se cumplen las normas de cortesía, pedir permiso, disculpas y saludar como es debido no es nada difícil pero hay que hacerlo todo el tiempo, aunque la gente esté de mal humos eso no es excusa para ser mal educado.
A person with manners is polite in his treatment of others.
It is not necessary to smile all the time to be considered a polite person, that is, you can be polite when you respect social norms, act with respect to people and comply with the rules of courtesy, ask permission, apologies and greet properly is not difficult but you have to do it all the time, even if people are in a bad mood that is no excuse to be rude.
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Una persona con modales no emite comentarios sobre la apariencia de otros
Respetar a los otros también implica respetar su apariencia, es muy incomodo ver o escuchar a otra persona hacer comentarios solo la forma del cuerpo o la forma de vestir de otros, por ello un apersona con modales se guarda su opinión para si mismo porque a nadie beneficia emitir comentarios de crítica destructiva hacia la apariencia de otros.
A person with manners does not comment on the appearance of others.
Respecting others also implies respecting their appearance, it is very uncomfortable to see or hear another person make comments only on the body shape or the way of dressing of others, so a person with manners keeps his opinion to himself because no one benefits to issue comments of destructive criticism towards the appearance of others.
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Una persona con modales no hace preguntas personales de forma imprudente
Suele pasar que personas que ni conozco me preguntan cosas personales, por ejemplo si me duelen mis piercing del rostro o si estoy casada o cuanto años tengo, este tipo de preguntas solo lo debería hacer una persona que está entrando en confianza con la otra, pero lamentablemente algunas personas consideran normal preguntar aspectos personales a la gente sin que se conozcan. Una persona con modales sabe cuál es el momento adecuado para preguntar cualquier aspecto privado de una persona.
A person with manners does not ask personal questions in a reckless way.
It often happens that people I don't even know ask me personal questions, for example if my face piercing hurts or if I am married or how old I am, this kind of questions should only be asked by a person who is getting to know the other person, but unfortunately some people consider it normal to ask personal questions to people without knowing each other. A person with manners knows the right time to ask any intimate aspect of a person.
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I share with you the list of days of the challenge in case you want to join this
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Espero les haya gustado. Les invito a leer mis próximas publicaciones y siempre estaré dispuesta a responder sus preguntas y comentarios ¡Muchas gracias!
I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, Thank you!
I really enjoyed reading your post ,nicely done,to behave in good manners in my culture ,you need to always respect an elderly person by always greeting them either by kneeling down as a girl,or lieing down flat as a guy,also you must learn not to speak rudely to people and so on.