What is hate?

Hate implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmity or malice.especially from the perspective of Young couple in romantic relationship.hate is also a reflection of love,the relationship between love and hate can be explained from different perspective.when we fell both love and hate,

we can consider ourselves to be emotionally ambivalent.emotional ambivalence means that these two emotions,LOVE and HATE doesn't substitute each other but rather coexist together, without displacing one another.

Hatred is often blind, making human being prone to believe things that simply are not true, sadly,too many of us fall victim of this reality.and there some types of hate which goes thus:blind hatred, racism, hatred based on sexual orientation, religious and politically based hatred.

When talking about hate,these is a strong word to describe a feeling towards something or person,hate also implies a feeling of great dislike or aversion.
