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Hello Hivers! I hope your day is going well. It's been a while I took up a blogging challenge unlike the essentials of life - food and sleep that I cannot do without on a daily basis. I am not particularly crazy about both food and sleep but I know how important they are to our survival. However if I am to choose between the two, I would go for food.
Sleep is important to enable our body system to rejuvenate and heal itself by producing new cells for our growth. Usually, I don't exceed 5 to 6 hours of sleep daily but sometimes, due to work and my virtual activities, I could get like 4 hours of sleep to enable me utilize the remaining 20 hours. These days it feels as though the 24 hours are no longer sufficient to attend to my activities.
I love food, just like every other person (I'm yet to meet a person who dislikes food) but I am not crazy about it. I embark on fasting from time to time for spiritual and health purposes which means I can do without food for a while and still be okay.
Any well cooked meal will do for me as I am not picky about what I eat. I'm never shy about trying new dishes from other ethnic groups or countries. So long as my taste buds agree with the food, I am good to go! I understand some people have bad reactions to some food, I don't have any reactions nor allergies. Haha! Lucky me!
So if I am to choose between food and sleep, you bet I'll go for food. How about you - food or sleep?
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¡Hola Hivers! Espero que tu día esté yendo bien. Ha pasado un tiempo que asumí un desafío de bloguear a diferencia de los elementos esenciales de la vida: la comida y el sueño de los que no puedo prescindir a diario. No estoy particularmente loco por la comida y el sueño, pero sé lo importantes que son para nuestra supervivencia. Sin embargo, si tengo que elegir entre los dos, iría por comida.
El sueño es importante para permitir que nuestro sistema corporal se rejuvenezca y se cure a sí mismo produciendo nuevas células para nuestro crecimiento. Por lo general, no excedo de 5 a 6 horas de sueño al día, pero a veces, debido al trabajo y a mis actividades virtuales, puedo dormir como 4 horas para poder utilizar las 20 horas restantes. En estos días siento que las 24 horas ya no son suficientes para atender mis actividades.
Me encanta la comida, como cualquier otra persona (todavía no he conocido a una persona a la que no le guste la comida), pero no me encanta. Me embarco en el ayuno de vez en cuando por motivos espirituales y de salud, lo que significa que puedo pasar un tiempo sin comer y aun así estar bien.
Cualquier comida bien hecha me servirá, ya que no soy exigente con lo que como. Nunca me da vergüenza probar platos nuevos de otros grupos étnicos o países. Siempre que mis papilas gustativas estén de acuerdo con la comida, ¡estoy listo para comenzar! Entiendo que algunas personas tienen malas reacciones a algunos alimentos, yo no tengo reacciones ni alergias. ¡Ja ja! ¡Suerte la mía!
Entonces, si tengo que elegir entre comer y dormir, puedes apostar que iré por comida. ¿Qué hay de ti, comer o dormir?
This is the part 05 of the 30 days blogging challenge questions made by @surrealfia. Feel free to join the blogging challenge community and write on any of the questions in each challenge.
oh jeez I remembered back in Doha 4 hours of sleep was luxury for me thus on I usually have Friday as my sleeping day, so in this case, although food is very essential to our well-being, but there were times I opted to sleep than to eat.
hehe your formatting is so neatly done, I have tried to check for "justified" format but to no avail, do you have any tutorial for this @kemmyb send you a message back at discord for guidance. Thanks alot.
Hehehe, I understand. With baby Sage in the house, sleep becomes a necessity!
Thanks for the compliment. I'll send you the code via discord. 🙂