Putting ourselves and our families first on the list of priorities is not wrong and does not mean we are selfish... if we don't take care of ourselves, who else will?
Of course it is always good to help others, although this is not really an obligation and depends a lot on the personality of each person and the values they have been taught. Personally, I like to help those in need... I am happy that I can do my bit to help someone in a difficult situation.
Wow... Surprised to see you here in my comment session. Really!
Yeah you are right that putting ourselves first doesn't makes us selfish.
Actually, about helping others, I help those who I believe helping them is not a waste of my time because it hurt when you help someone or give someone resources and doesn't make good utilization of it.
Well, you always take part of your time to leave a kind and pleasant comment in my Blog...so I already owed it to you. There are times when I would like to have much more time to dedicate to leave comments in the posts...but, I feel that sometimes time does not yield as much as I would like :( but I assure you that you will see me more often around here.
You are right in what you say...there are times when people are a little ungrateful and it hurts when they don't value your help, but well...I think those are also lessons that life gives us.
Yeah.. One of the reasons why I go round commenting is having to get to know people and build relationships. Maybe having someone coming by to drop me a comment as well. Thanks for coming by.