* Positive and negative personality ... *

in Blogging Challenge4 years ago


Stephen Covey was a preacher, professor, doctor of religious studies, Harvard MBA, business and leadership coach.
Dr. Stephen Covey's famous contemporary book on the principles of leadership and influential personality
"7 Habits of Highly Influential Personalities"
"Seven Habits of Highly effective people"
In this book, the author considers ethics as a real power and considers its effects as universal and eternal. Calling personality a set of ethics, he believes that the most important and effective force in making personality universal and eternal is morality and character. The author considers principles and laws to be an external force, while morality and values ​​are considered an internal force. "In fact, our values ​​govern our behavior," he said. And these values ​​and principles of morality are universal truths. Which are from the day of creation of man till today. And he calls these principles character. He says that human beings are victims of two classes in character and actions.

  1. Pro active people
    These positive minded people do not take obstacles and difficulties into consideration. They consider every problem as a challenge and with their creative ideas, they always move forward by solving every obstacle and problem in the best possible way. Such people consider every resistance that stands in their way as a campaign. They are constructive and positive thinking people. They have great decision-making power. With determination and perseverance, they go about solving their goals one by one according to the proposed program. Such people do not face the world of ambiguity and hesitation. And they are satisfied and happy with their goals. People with a positive attitude and a constructive mindset are constantly getting a fresh dose of the energy of enthusiasm in their being and are always active. If you look at them around you, you think of lush, dense trees, through which the wind blows and makes the atmosphere pleasant.
  2. Reactive people with inactive or negative personality
    These are the people who always hold others or the environment responsible for their situation. Others are always on their toes. They see the situation as the reason for their failure and the people as the reason for their defeat. As their condition worsens, they become more emotional and angry and instead of improving their condition, they continue to abuse themselves and society. As a result, they suffer from stress, mental illness and physical problems. According to scientists, such people are less inclined to take care of themselves and they are more attracted to smoking and alcohol. Their diet and lifestyle are very poor. These are the causes that cause other diseases, including heart disease, in these people and increase their chances of early death.
    The basis of these two personalities is Dr. Stephen Cowie's understanding of the role that any human being creates within himself over time. To prove his point, he quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous contemporary quotation.
    Sow a thought and you reap an action;
    sow an act and you reap a habit;
    sow a habit and you reap a character;
    sow a character and you reap a destiny.
    As an argument. Which means something like that
    "You plant a thought in your mind. This thought will create a behavior. This behavior will gradually turn into a habit and this habit will gradually become known as your character and this character will become your character. Fate will decide "
    All this discussion means that there are two kinds of people in the world. One is those who adopt a positive character in their personality while the other develops negative habits in their character.
    This research is not new to us as Muslims. When Allah Almighty created man, let him create these two attitudes first.
    1 Positive Attitude: What we know as Adam. When he made a mistake, he went ahead and confessed his mistake and asked the Lord to give him a chance to improve again. And learn the words of forgiveness from your Lord and apply it to your life. Therefore, they were given the caliphate of the earth.
  3. Negative Attitude: What we know as the Devil.
    The first thing he did was to be arrogant. And with arrogance he criticized the perfect power of the Creator. And he said, "I am better than him. Why should I prostrate to him?" You will see the same attitude in different people. You will hear them say that I don't know why Allah blessed such and such even though I was better than him. That is, they will challenge the knowledge of Allah. Then when Iblis refused to prostrate, he stubbornly disbelieved in Allah and said, "You have led me astray." That is, if you had not written in my destiny, I would not have done so. It is the habit of people with a negative personality to deny punishment and blame various personalities, family, friends and circumstances for their failure. Sorcery, hatred, evil eye is blamed for their failure. The real reason is their stubborn laziness, malice and stubbornness. And most of all, just as Iblis, out of hatred, stubbornness, arrogance and jealousy, asked Allah to allow me to seduce and destroy this man, this vengeful spirit is one of the special habits of negative people. Their prayer is that Allah will give me a chance so that I can humiliate my opponent. Or we will not pray for success like that of a successful person, but we will continue to pray for his destruction. Against this, the office, the family and the neighborhood will do bad tricks in business. When you give them advice, it will be a seemingly positive but covert destruction.
    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Beware, there is a lump of flesh inside the body. As long as it remains healthy, the whole body remains healthy, and when it becomes bad, the whole body becomes bad. Remember he is the heart. (Bukhari)
    According to religion, the heart is the place from which a person intends, which the mind accepts or rejects on the basis of reason and religiosity. That is why the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Deeds depend on intentions.” One thought, habit and habit creates your character, and this character decides your end is good or hell.
    Humanity and Iblisit is actually the name of thinking before doing good and evil. Remember that only a devil and a servant with a negative mindset are disappointed with God. That is, a servant with a negative character is actually cursed.
    All we have to do is ask ourselves if our thinking is negative or positive. If you are planning to hurt or hurt someone or you are blaming the people and circumstances for your actions, then go ahead and say this once in a while.
  • This is my glass, this is me and this is our devilishness ... *

Mazhar hussain
Sunday 9 may 2022