La primavera, esa estación del amo que viene después del invierno, donde todo se renueva, nacen nuevas flores que adornan los jardines, parques y plazas. Una estación ni muy fría ni muy calurosa, tiene un clima perfecto, fresco y agradable. Yo la considero una estación hermosa donde se puede apreciar los maravillosos cambios de la naturaleza.
Spring, that season of the year that comes after winter, where everything is renewed, new flowers are born and adorn the gardens, parks and squares. A season neither too cold nor too hot, it has a perfect climate, fresh and pleasant. I consider it a beautiful season where you can appreciate the wonderful changes of nature.
En la naturaleza representa renovación, los árboles empiezan a tener nuevas hojas y flores, empiezan a crecer deliciosas frutas. En muchas culturas la primavera representa un motivo de alegría y celebración. Una de mis mitologías favoritas que es la griega, cuenta que cuando regresaba Persefone del inframundo a los brazos de su madre Demeter que es la diosa de la agricultura y la tierra,está se llenaba tanto de alegría que hacía florecer los árboles para darle la bienvenida nuevamente a su hija. Es por esto que los griegos festejan esta época, a parte que recolectan buena cosecha.
In nature it represents renewal, trees start to have new leaves and flowers, delicious fruits start to grow. In many cultures spring represents a reason for joy and celebration. One of my favorite mythologies, the Greek, tells that when Persephone returned from the underworld to the arms of her mother Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and earth, she was so full of joy that she made the trees bloom to welcome her daughter back. This is why the Greeks celebrate this time of the year, as well as harvesting a good crop.
Aquí en Venezuela no tenemos estaciones, pero de igual manera se puede apreciar la primavera dentro de la temporada lluviosa, el clima se hace agradable, empiezan las lluvias, los árboles vuelven a tener ese hermoso verdor y además nos regalan sus flores.
Me encanta la primavera, es tan bonita y perfecta que se ha convertido en mi temporada favorita, y es cuando aprovecho todo lo que nos ofrece y consumir los frutos que nacen en esta temporada. La naturaleza es tan sabía y tan perfecta que siempre sabe lo que hace.
Here in Venezuela we do not have seasons, but in the same way you can appreciate the spring within the rainy season, the weather becomes pleasant, the rains begin, the trees again have that beautiful greenery and also give us their flowers.
I love spring, it is so beautiful and perfect that it has become my favorite season, and it is when I take advantage of everything it offers us and consume the fruits that are born in this season. Nature is so wise and so perfect that she always knows what she is doing.
Hello @orivero22 Nice to meet you. I see you are already at Part 5 of the Blogging Challenge. I just started two months ago, and have one more to complete Part 2. I didn't know that in Venezuela the seasons of the year like Spring, Summer, Fall are not recognized. Thanks for that information.
I like Spring too when the flowers are in bloom, the weather is nice and sunny, and we can get to do more outdoors. The only thing I don't like is the pollen in the air that flares up my allergies.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this day's blogging challenge.
In Venezuela we only have two seasons, rainy and dry, but although we do not have seasons we do feel the influence here, for example, when it is winter in other countries here we feel the cold weather, but not most of the time, it is what we gain from living in a tropical country, the weather is unpredictable. Thanks for reading my post 😁