Some quotes have a great way of keeping you motivated even if the only this on your mind is to give up.

Life has offered me a thousand reasons to give up on life but Several quotes have given me ten thousand reasons not to give up.

One of these quotes which happen to be my favorite quote is from L.M MONTGOMERY

I first came across this quote from the book Quiet by Susan Cain. I remember underlining this line in the book that particular day because it felt like I finally found a mantra that is enough to keep me through the toughest times.

The line is about having a strong belief that the future holds better than we can ever imagine.


I don't know what lies around the bend but I am going to believe that the best does.

The line has given me reasons to trust in outcomes, not processes.

In a way, it seems like a better version of the cliche "There is a light at the end of every tunnel".

It keeps me going even during moments that the process gets hard.

A conviction that the best is yet to come is a strong motivation for me.


That's a very motivational one

I'm glad you find it motivational. Thank you

Wow! This quote is really interesting, I love it, especially this phrase "what lies around the bend", yeah! That's for sure unforseen circumstances and it really takes courage to overcome. Well done, keep it up, I upvoted and reblogged it. 👍

I really appreciate this. Thank you so much..

😉🤗 ,

It's a pleasure
