What makes you sad||Day 17 of 30days blogging challenge

According to Webstar, being sad means affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness.

Here are a few things that make me sad.

  1. Losing someone close to me:- Around last year when I lost my mum, I remember how the world lost colour to me and how everything around me felt lost in time. The grief I felt isn't something I love to remember
  2. Making people sad:- Most times, i know that I can't please everyone and I have to learn to quit trying to but still i hate it when I make someone sad whether intentionally or not. I hate when people do things to make me sad so when I do things to make people sad, I feel sad myself because I am doing something I wouldn't have loved if it was done to me.
  3. When someone asks for my help and for some reasons I can't help the situation:- You know that moment when your hands are tied, and you can seem to help someone in need. Yes, that moment makes me sad. I feel unhappy when I can't help people as much as I wish you.

Those are the things that makes me sad.
😊Thanks for reading😊