Best Advice Ever Received - Day 5 Blogging Challenge


This particular topic brings back wonderful memories that do make me smile each time I remember. And today, it requires me to confess to you all talking about the best advice I have ever received. Oops! Where are my manners? Good day fellow Hivians! Hope you all are making lots of waves as we approach Xmas and New year's eve. Whoah, there is a lot to celebrate this year. If not anything, at least we are alive to see how this year's eve turns out. That's by the way. Now, let's get down to the business at hand.

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My dad is a man of not too many but big words. No no... He has lots of actions as well. Infact I can never forget a day when he burst out of the room to go straight to a fellow neighbor's and landed him a very heavy slap that saw the neighbor spin like twice before he dropped to the ground. If you ask why? It was because he got to hear this certain man was insult his wife after coming home that faithful night. Lol, sincerely, that event is crystal clear in my memory till date. I could remember feeling like a Superman's baby throughout that week until the discussion slowly died off.

But as a man of big words, he had given me pretty much cool advice that I hold on to till date. For those who have been following me in my very immediate days on hive, you will remember I posted a blog that talks about me and my dad not being close at all. Yea, we weren't close. I remember giving the blog post the title "DAD CAME AROUND" and that was because he did.

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A day came that rain had fallen and everywhere was muddy and my dad asked me to follow him out. We walked right into the muddy street where he allowed me at the front like I was leading the way. After series of mistakes, which saw me fell due to the mud, because it was dark and he wasn't using his touch, he held me by the road side and said,

"You don't have to walk blind even if you don't have a touch with you. There are people in front of you and all you need to do is to follow them and learn from their steps. If they go the right way, you should do same. If they make a mistake, you should learn from them and try not to make that same mistake."

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And till date, this is how I see life in general. I don't have to walk in blind while there are people in front of me towards the same path or direction as me.

To me, amongst many other advices I have received from Dad, this one really stands out more.

Thank you for reading. I remain @rollinshive, A.K.A InThe Black. Feel free to support up voting, commenting or sharing (Rebloging). I'll catch you up soon!