First of all you're doing an amazing job appreciating the people here especially the newbies it's always great to see people welcoming newbies that's what they want.💜
I was not active due to some reasons so I don't know about the previous ones so much but I'll give it a try +_+
So my three guesses would be
- what have you achieved so far in your January goals or have you achieved your January goals?
- what are your goals for February
- how will you help in making this place a better platform from your side, for everyone especially for the newbies +_+
@dreem-steem @kenechukwu97 @wajihafawad give it a try :')
Smile.. You are very smart. You know why, because I would definitely ask newbies to set goals for February though I would give them goals to set just like the what I did this January.
I like your thought on your second guess, it's not something I have planned down but it's a nice initiative. Thanks so much for inviting your friends.
Haha o I'm glad it worked atlest somehow that's what I would do and that's why it came into my mind after reading your previous contest post ++💜 thank you ++