Writing a post took me too much time, the first one I did in two days, the second one was a little less, it took me about 12 hours, and all this time it was the fear that made me doubt so much, whenever I wrote it didn't seem right so I erased everything and started again, and I repeated it several times.I confess that my start in Hive caused me a lot of fear, it is something totally new for me, I felt I could not do it, I had a hard time writing, my ideas were blocked, I needed a lot of help, thanks to @soyalex who has been very patient and has guided me and help me to lose that fear I felt when writing.
Mi esposo me ayudaba mucho, el no conoce nada sobre Hive solo lo que ha visto hasta ahora conmigo, pero me ayudaba mucho a redactar lo que escribía y a darme confianza de publicar, me decía que la única forma de aprender era equivocándome, pero yo de terca no lo veía de esa forma y no se porque sentía pánico de hacerlo mal, siempre que hago algo por primera vez siento un sustico, pero esta vez era mas que un susto, mi esposo me regañaba jajajaja, si es que parecía una niña tonta cada vez que me tocaba escribir, el ya cansado de tratar de darme ánimos de hacerlo terminaba diciéndome, "ok, si no puedes no lo hagas" y fue eso lo que me motivo a hacerlo, me dije "Claro que si puedo", no sabia como pero lo haría jajajaja, de verdad que los primeros post fueron muy desgastantes para mi, veía otras cuentas y me preguntaba, como es que logran publicar dos veces en un día, es que yo publicaba una vez y con mucho esfuerzo.
My husband helped me a lot, he knows nothing about Hive only what he has seen so far with me, but he helped me a lot to write what I wrote and to give me confidence to publish, he told me that the only way to learn was making mistakes, but I stubbornly did not see it that way and I do not know why I felt panic to do it wrong, whenever I do something for the first time I feel a scare, but this time it was more than a scare, my husband scolded me hahahahaha, I looked like a silly girl every time I had to write, he was tired of trying to encourage me to do it, he ended up telling me, "ok, if you can't do it don't do it" and that was what motivated me to do it, I told myself "Of course I can", I didn't know how but I would do it hahahaha, the first posts were really exhausting for me, I saw other accounts and I wondered, how they manage to publish twice in one day, I published once and with a lot of effort.
Bueno poco a poco fui perdiendo el miedo, ya se mas hacia mas fácil crear contenido, lo fui viendo todo de mejor manera, de esta forma empecé a hacer mejores post, y he crecido mucho en estas 3 semanas que llevo en Hive, confieso que aun siento cierto miedo en cada post que hago, pero por lo menos ya no me domina el miedo jajajaja, siento que aun tengo muchísimo que aprender de este mundo, y muchas cosas que mejorar, y es algo que me gusta de Hive que siempre podemos seguir creciendo, aprendiendo y mejorando, eso nos mantiene activo y motivados.
Well, little by little I was losing my fear, it was easier to create content, I was seeing everything in a better way, so I started to make better posts, and I have grown a lot in these 3 weeks I've been in Hive, I confess that I still feel some fear in every post I make, but at least I am no longer dominated by fear hahahaha, I feel that I still have a lot to learn about this world, and many things to improve, and that is something I like about Hive that we can always keep growing, learning and improving, that keeps us active and motivated.
Creo que todos podemos llegar a sentir miedo en algún momento, y pienso que no esta mal sentir miedo, lo que si estaría mal es dejarse ganar por el miedo, debemos superar nuestros miedos (aunque sean tan tontos como el mío jajajaja), esto nos permite avanzar y ser mas fuerte en nuestras vidas.
I think we can all feel fear at some point, and I think it is not wrong to feel fear, what would be wrong is to be won by fear, we must overcome our fears (even if they are as silly as mine hahahaha), this allows us to move forward and be stronger in our lives.
Recursos utilizados / Resources used
-Imagenes editada con la app canva. / Images edited with the canva app.
-Traducido con deepl. / Translated with deepl.