She was small, but her spirit of adventure was great.
April 21 was a very sad day for us. Our sweet Cordie, our travel companion, and my fellow hammock snuggler had a stroke. We knew this day would come, but it didn't make the decision any less painful to make. But instead of the sad details of her loss, allow me to tell you about this adventure dog and why it was such a joy to have her in our lives.

Hammocks were more than just our things, she loved them as well.
Cordie came to live with us when she and her sister Snickers were just eight weeks old. They were just the most adorable puppies I had ever seen. Snickers was black and tan with a creamy-colored belly while Cordie was all fawn-colored with one white stripe in the middle of the forehead. Both had personalities that complimented the other; Snick was shy and withdrawn, while Cord was brave and willing to lead the two into trouble. Cordie was an adventurer from the start.

My beautiful girls.
Our girls would travel with us to most places we would go. When we moved into the RV and started park hosting with the Texas State Park system, they were right there along with us. Unfortunately, Snickers developed cancer and before we moved back to Oklahoma, we lost her. Cordie and I grieved together which made our bond even more strong.

Snickers was a gentle soul and our time with her was too short.
When we moved back to Oklahoma we found it easier to visit other states. This in itself enabled us to complete the Oklahoma and Arkansas counties and visit eight more states to get a start on county collecting there. Cordie was right there with us leading the way!

Nose out and leading the way!
One of the things I loved about Cordie was that she was smart and she would tell you all about it. Cordie would talk to you explaining she needed food, wanted to go for a walk, or let us know it was time to go to bed. Take a few moments and see what she had to say.
She has become a permanent fixture in many of our blog posts here on HIVE and she was loved in the Discord community The Terminal and even has her very own emoji
. Then of course she has her bitmoji as well that we use in our blog's traveling image below. Scott and I thank @thekittygirl for her artwork and preserving our precious Cordie.

Many people have suggested we get another puppy, but the time is not yet. We loved that she enjoyed traveling with us, but because she was a dog many places would not allow her inside. We could not leave her in the car when we would go inside a restaurant, there were always extra charges to allow her in hotels, and most National Parks and many State Parks would not allow dogs. I hated leaving her at home, even though those who sat with her loved doing so. I do not want to put another pet through the separation we often had to put Cordie through; especially in the last couple of months. Eventually, when we are back in an RV it will be time to get another pet.
So for now we will just remember our Cordelia and the way she was always happy, as Cordie, the Adventurous Chihuahua.
Everyone needs a moment to talk things out. I have decided to use @wesphilbin's Thoughtful Daily Post as a way to do just this. We need to do what we can to see the positive in rough situations. I challenge you to take a step in the positive direction and talk about your #thoughtfuldailypost.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog posts.
We appreciate it so very, very much!

* My posts may occasionally contain affiliated work-related links because our Cross County Travels website
and our YouTube channel are also our accounts.
* The photographs on our posts are taken with my own camera
and with Scott's help!
* Blog graphics such as various "flyers" will be cited at each occurrence.
* Clipart used are from https://www.cleanpng.com/
and/or https://pixabay.com/.
* While the Bitmoji Characters of Scott & Ren are from Bitmoji,
the compilations are my own.
* All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media accounts: OUR FACEBOOK
cross mentions are spreading the word.

We appreciate it so very, very much!

and our YouTube channel are also our accounts.
and with Scott's help!
* Clipart used are from https://www.cleanpng.com/ and/or https://pixabay.com/.
the compilations are my own.
and can also be found on my various social media accounts:
cross mentions are spreading the word.

awww, love those videos and the way she pawed her bowl to ask for food! Such a sweetie! 💗
We switched her food to real chicken and she loved it. It was so funny how she would toss out the carrots and blueberries! I am still finding some under the appliances. haha.
oh, that is funny! Heck, the blueberries are the best part!
Right!!! She would eat them if they were fresh or I handed them to her, but otherwise it was a no-go.
She wasn't "picky," she just had "discriminating taste" 😉
Thank you very much for publishing in our community, but unfortunately this is not the type of content we curate, you can do this type of publication in Hive Pets for example: https://peakd.com/c/hive-196708
To show you what kind of content can be published I leave you this post explaining all the editions of the Blogging Challenge: https://peakd.com/hive-163921/@blogging-team/blogging-challenge-community-part-5-by-surrealfia-eng-esp
I thought because it was a #thoughtfuldailypost it fit. Okay. thank you anyway.
Don´t worry! It perfectly fits with the #thoughtfuldailypost tag, but has nothing to do with the challenges or contest we have here, but for the next time you can join any of our challenges or check out all the communities Hive has!
If you need anything else you can always ask in our discord server SMILE: https://discord.gg/d47KyHB
ah, okay. I will keep that in mind.
How beautiful your two little pups were 😍. So sorry for your losses, have been through it myself 3 times now 😔. Love your RV lifestyle and that you also took your pups with you wherever you went. Cordelias pic nose out the window...so cute. Dogs are the best, well all animals, but dogs esp. And don't worry about a new companion, take the time to grief and one day, when the time is right there will be a new companion waiting for you guys.
Here a little summary of my doggies if you like to get a little impression.
Thank you. We really enjoyed having them with us. All I can do now is adopt everyone else's dogs as mine and love them all.
I will jump over and see who your babies.
Lol totally forgot to add the link
Thank you so much. I love them! What I want to know is how did you get that dog up so high at Garden of the Gods? I haven't been able to get my heavy self up any of the climbing areas!!!!
Lol, mountain goats we were 😄. Molly was an athlete Bulldog, she ran, swam and climbed. So was I. Thats what I loved about Colorado, that there was so much to do and space to be active. Here in Germany....nothing like that 😩
So sorry to hear of Cordie's passing. I can see the adventurous spirit. I'll bet the sights and sounds of the many travels filled Cordie's life with pleasure. She thoroughly enjoyed being a traveling companion.
Thanks for sharing Cordie's life with us.
Take care.
I have never had a pet who loved to travel as much as she did. One day, while packing for a trip, we couldn't find her and realized the door was open. I totally lost it. Crying, a thought came to me and I ran outside to the car and there she was sitting next to the car. Silly dog! She knew we were going on a trip and she was not going to be left at home with the sitter!
I loved sharing her with you all, especially #theterminal. You all loved seeing her as much as I did I think. Thank you so much for your words, they mean a lot.