The track "Preaching on the beat" from the album "UA Rap"

in Stick Up Music2 years ago

This track was the beginning of writing the album "UA Rap", which is already fully recorded and published on digital platforms: (listen on Spotify, Apple music)

Once upon a time, no one knew about the existence of Ukrainian rap, in other words, it was not as popular as it is now.

I thought: "why not try?", and I did. Moreover, there is not so much Ukrainian Christian rap.

There is no chorus in the track - only verses that resemble a story or a sermon. Hence the name "Sermon on the beat".
I put content in the lines that makes the listener think about his spiritual state, his relationship with God.

And he called it "Sermon on the beat", because it is unlikely that young people who do not know God will sit in the meeting listening to the pastor's sermon. Then why not put a sermon on the beat and convey that living with God is cool.

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The track "Preaching on the beat" from the album "UA Rap"

Translation of the text into English:

But the Lord did not forget about us,
But we once forgot, forgotten in the suite,
They didn't know how to cross the field themselves,
They searched for forgotten truths, even though they themselves trampled them,
At the bottom of the heart, joy, a smile,
They left it for later.
What is love,
The one about whom the word of God speaks,
I will never forget, because the Lord is in my house,
First Corinthians thirteen,
Closes mouth wounds,
Sacrifice on the cross of Jesus,
And life is like restarting.

Just believe, just believe
Without God, you will not live on what you earned,
You will not find happiness without God,
Because He is your Guide,
You don't like to listen to a sermon
Listen to the beat.

For God so loved this world,
Who gave His Son to die on the cross for you.
How can you believe that Jesus Christ
That is your Savior,
Take away your sins, take away your sins.

Heaven is waiting for you when,
When these sinful fires are extinguished,
When you reject earthly ways,
When you won't wander in the dark.

Empty hearts will fill yours,
You won't be alone anymore
He gives you a chance for salvation,
Faith and life in Jesus Christ.

Text in Ukrainian:

Та не забув про нас Господь,
Та то колись забули ми, забуті в суїті,
Самі не знали поле перейти,
Забуті істини шукали, хоть самі їх затоптали,
На дні серця радість, посмішку,
На потім залишали.
Що таке любов,
Та про яку говорить Боже слово,
Не забуду я ніколи, бо Господь в моєму домі,
Перше Коринтян тринадцять,
Закриває ранам пасті,
Жертва на хресті Ісуса,
І життя як на рестарті.

Лиш повір, лиш повір,
Без Бога ти не проживеш на те що заробив,
Без Бога щастя не знайдеш,
Бо Він твій Поводир,
Не любиш слухать проповідь,
Послухай на біті.

Так бо Бог полюбив цей світ,
Що віддав за тебе Сина Свого, вмерти на хресті.
Як повіриш, що Ісус Христос
То є Спаситель твій,
Забере твої гріхи, забере твої гріхи.

Небо чекає на тебе, коли,
Коли загаснуть ці грішні вогні,
Коли відкинеш земні ти шляхи,
Коли не будеш блукати в пітьмі.

Пустоші серця заповнить твої,
Більше не будеш ти на самоті,
Шанс на спасіння дарує тобі,
Віра й життя у Ісусі Христі.

Happy listening!


Lyricist, beat and performer @Peter-Stone.


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