Conversation With Slap: The African Parents Perspective

Hey guys, this is my first time here. I am super glad to join other jesters to crack ribs and I hope I would be able to do just that.

Doctors set brains through operations but African parent does that with just a slap. A perfect example is this.

My cousin was very ill and his parent called my mum from France on what to do because he was behaving abnormal. it was an unbelievable experience for them over there. The only advice that my mum could render was that they should consult a psychiatrist. That was already an option to my my aunt but she was not going to that Jackson to any clinic because she feared that he could be kept in an asylum.

Two days later, I heard my mum calling her sister, my aunt. They spoke over the phone for quite a while but all I could deduce from their conversation was that Jackson was reacting to cold. I began to wonder if could could result to making an individual behave abnormally.

Jackson was not improving in his health condition, something that bothered my mum for weeks.

What is mum bothered about?

I asked myself because it is rare to see her feel as such.

Is Jackson that important that my mum would go days without food?

All these questions ran like marathon through my mind. You know, sometimes you have to bear all what your blood relatives are going through.

Blood is thicker than water.

Not long after they ended the call, I went to put some water in the bucket in the bathroom to wash off some of my dirty clothes. Since, I became an adult, I don't like keeping dirty clothes to pile up. During this period, our washing machine was faulty, so I decided to do hand washing. It would be strenuous but its better than leaving dirty or used up clothes around the house.

Somehow, this my kind act infuriated my mum that she called me out from the bathroom. The echoing of her voice pierced my ears , I only just managed to answer her. It was usual for me to know when mum is angry. Her fair cheek will turn pink. Anyone close to her would surely get a hot slap. When I saw her countenance, I had to takes a few steps backwards, or risk taking slap.


Deliberately, I moved toward the door to exit the bathroom. It was an impossible task because she was standing facing me from the pantry.

The next thing, a hot slap landed on my cheek. I started to see stars in broad daylight.

What I did was not enough to get a hot slap from mum but who are my to complain. I just covered my face and walked away from the scene or risk another round of slap.

African parents can reset your bran with slap. There would have been no need for a psychiatrist if my cousin was in Nigeria and living with us.

I know you guys would have experienced the same fate like mine. After that day, my mum made a reference to the issue saying that she never knew I was in the bathroom to wash off my used up clothes.

The slap was launched because she thought I was wasting water. She had heard the gushing water from the tap which was coming from our neighbor. It was a lesson I learned for no offence. I decided that from that day, if it were not a weekend, I won't be washing my clothes even if it has turned into a heap.