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Good day to you my amiable readers this article is my past experience it is some how funny but it really destroy my heart with pains to the extend i hated my self for some days of how foolish i am to trust love but thankGod am fine now as you read through you will understand it more thank you for the time.

This is what happen to me just a couple of past month, i am in serious relationship with this lady by name Grace to the extend i brought her home show to my family about our relationship she too took me to her family and show me to her mum because that day her dad was not around all her sister know me her friends and some of her group members too know me in there church that am her lover.

So everything was moving fine and okay i did all i could to keep her happy despite there were challenges we see, we solve it among ourselves i even get an android phone for her finger print for that matter her admission in school i was the one that made a way for her because i have people in that school.

When she started the school i assist her financially as a boy friend, i gave her attention, i do visit her do everything that it takes to make her feel better among her Titans inorder not to feel bad when they are with her.

I notice her with a female friend i told her i dont like the girl my spirit did not accept her but my girl told me she cant leave the girl i said okay i will not direct your part but what i will tell her is to be careful friends can influence easily most especially if you make your friend to be giving you decision.

Gradually my girl started backsliding having another guy aside from me if i send her card instead of calling me she will call the guy if i send her data instead of chatting me she will be busy with the guy because the guy is handsome fair and me am not handsome and not fair i try to see i stop her with the guy but she will stop within short time still come back again i know because of her friends do encourage her.

I try to see i wind her heart back but still on still that her friend kept giving her wrong advice about me in particular because am not close again i travel to school too so i began to see strange things from what she dont use to do i notice it in her.

To the extend applying some colors of dyes on her hair brown and other colors i try to stop her but it became quest for fight and what supprise me she dont longer keep a two guys again now we are three even four i try to talk to her about her sudden change she started showing me attitude that led to our breakup with no reasons.

I try to make her understand but she did not so i avoid her despite is not easy, me that am running my degree after it is service then thinking of settling down with her but she sees other guys better than me one funny thing was she is cheating on me with my phone and other things i bought for her.

Am just imagining is this life i felt dejected and notice she want to feel among and i dont have money to take care of her again so i decided to let it be past but it was not that easy for me that week, not untill i met a lady by name Patience who felt my pain and decided t condole with me.

I was a kind of i will never be in love again in life because it is very hard for me to love a lady but since when i met Grace i notice love in reality but with this sudden change i could not have time for love again not untill Patience also started displaying her own ways in furious stage i dont know the time i told her that i love her.

Quite alright i was not having intention but what move me at a point is the way she treated me during my heart break and unfortunately she is also facing a heartbreak too so this is how Patience made me feel important and she understand my predicament despite i can not love her the way it could be again because i dont want to be heart broken again.


Love can hurt us so much when the person we trust with our love reject us on the go, the way I lived my love life is, I will not put much pressure on you, I will let you be, if I called and you don't answer and then you don't call back, I will not try to called again, I can't be forcing myself on anyone, no matter how much I love you, I will stop when I finds out you don't need me anymore, I always carry it on my mind that we might not be together, if we were not destined to be, so if I buy you something, I will count it that I have given you that one.

I do all this to prevent my heart, because I do not want someone to hurt me the second time.
So sorry dear friend, the pains of love disappointment is always too much, be with the one who loves you, it's good that you find someone that console you and love you endlessly.

It is heart broken when the person we love with our entirety tend to leave for another

seriously it really hurt oo but thank God for the healing of pain heart but it should be a mistake that can not be repeated again