It flew out the window
The cushion landed on the roof while a cold wind blew in my face.
Angry elephants stared at me.
Neighbors ran out in panic, grabbing their kids, dragging them to safety.
Still slightly dazed I wondered what the heck just happened.
My roommate downstairs firing up the oven was the logical explanation when I sat on the couch, chilling my day off, smelling smoke.
Legit, we have weather, gotta burn some wood.
I smoked and something else did as well.
Wafts of fog started filling the room. Good stuff I thought but then...
Looked to the left out of the kitchen window.
A column of smoke, that an Indian couldn't have fanned better, rose in front of the heater.
Damnit, cushion burning!
So this is how it goes?
Random self-ignition?
I know.
Cushion in front of a heater?
It has been there and done that for many years, never been pissed bout that.
Now this!
Little shit just burned away, trying to kill me.
Great sight, watching me water a smoking cushion on the roof with a small water can.
Looked legit. Not a bit embarrassing.
Humor is when you laugh anyway.
I did.
Once I was sure I wasn't homeless.
Must have been an even greater sight, watching me water a smoking cushion on the roof with a small water can, giggling like a psychopath.
Hey, how has your Sunday been so far?
All you just saw and read came out of @bulldog-joy s brain, which may not be a lot because of being smoked out. Any resemblance to living persons is coincidental.
My Monday - Sundays are taken up with these little time wasters at the minute 🥰🥰🥰

Oh my 😍 made my day. Hope all is good. Bully hugs from me 🤗
Hard to have a difficult time looking at those cute things! Lol
There is some Hindu mysticism going on here. Elephants, burning meditation cushions... It's a sign from Ganesh that it's time to start removing some obstacles, even if you have to burn them.
That's such a great way to see it. Kinda thought the same. What happened after I published this recent moment?
Little update:
The cushion you see above doesn't exist anymore. In my shock I didn't take pics but after I drained it with water and threw it back on the bathroom tiles, it kept burning. Of course I didn't notice until I opened the bathroom door just to walk into the fog of evil. The whole thing was ashes and I got damn lucky it happened on tiles. How come this damn thing kept burning? Can you picture my next hours in the bathroom? It looked like a crime scene, you could tell where the rug was lol. Now my apt smells like a smoker.
I need to get a scent candle tomorrow 😂
WTF??!! How did that damn thing catch fire??!! Did someone put a hot cola inside the cushion?
RIP elephant pillow.
PS Is it sunny enough to hike in the rockies in late April?
Self-ignition, telling you. If it is sunny enough? Check a weather app 😂 . Back in my days in Colorado Springs it was sunny and nice as I remember lol. I wanna join you...sigh, we would have a blast lol.
We would!!!! Come out here. Bring all the dogs.
With the cable above. This picture looks like the most unreliable aerial tramway ever!
Also, your actions are justifiable. With elephant cushions, it's pretty much kill or be killed.
Lol, it does. Well we're in GER, gotta safe on gas. These elephant coconut fiber cushions were comfy to sit on. Were. Maybe I use the other one to charge ppl sliding off my roof down the valley. I have hangers so that sounds like a legit business model. There's a bus station at the end of the cable.
Where's a good leg hike on command when you need one?
Yah exactly! What exactly is a leg hike? Like a hike with your legs? Is it a phrase or something? Lol, my brain cells still smokin' 😅
Like as in Joy hiking his leg on a Hydrant or tree. Although I could get a good laugh at the thought of you doing it as well!
😂 I you have thoughts like this about me 😂 ... but I would have done that too, I got lucky anyways lol...note to myself: Don't let kids play with fire 🤣
I've left you a message on Discord, please check it out as we need to talk! 😁😉
Hey you hope you’ve been doing well! Those damn cushions they don’t know they’re not allowed to burn when placed near an ignition source? Come on!