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RE: What The..

in Comedy Open Mic6 months ago

Know how German Shepherds are like eerily smart, practically speak English, just gotta talk reeeaal slooow.

Now ask me again like I'm a German shepherd, what do I do that you don't know to do? I don't know everything my man but I'll teach you everything I know. I just don't understand the question.

Pictures, pics work well!


HAHAHA What the fuck man ok I just - LOL - ah fuck…I’m laughing too much. Tell you what I’m gonna go to sleep and get my shit together and I’ll re-ask in the morning when the comedic slap of this response isn’t hittin’ so hard and I can think straight again

 6 months ago  

Alright, now that some others chimed in, I get what you're asking. Sorry it took me so long. See what I mean? German Shepherd.

I drew some pictures once, if you're anything like me, pictures are optimum.

A long, long time ago I drew these up for someone I thought was a respectable author. And then I learned he's a fuckin creep and I personally know of TWO women on opposite sides of the world from him he ran off the platform for sending inappropriate pictures on discord. WHO TF DOES THAT?! Anyhoo, these should help..



Anytime, man. You see me doing something, whatever it is, it's not a secret.

Thanks dude, I do appreciate pictures very much for figuring things out, and I commit to make better use of this than the last recipient…not a hard bar honestly if all I gotta do is keep my carry-on stowed away safely 🤓

I'd bet a shiny nickel that says he's talking about subtext and justified formatting. This reply isn't long enough for a good example of justified formatting. Y'know, text aligned on both the right and left side. I'm a little curious about that one myself.

 6 months ago  

Oh, that!

Ok I’ve calmed down. Old soul was correct, the second thing I was curious about was how you’re doing the subtext. The first thing I was curious about, was how you are getting the font to adjust spacing to justify left and right sides to the margin. I made a picture. Yours looks pretty and landscaped, mine looks like it grew wild and no one cared for or loved it. Ok that’s extreme, but I do love cool formatting!

 6 months ago  

We'll get you squared away. The second picture I drew for you on the other one is the code to align the text. Here's how to make small smaller and smaller text.


LOL awesome and thanks! I’m saving these in the index, so they’ll be ever at my fingertips