I Lost to Nine (9) Men

in Comedy Open Miclast year (edited)

It's been a while I played PlayStation game since I have always been so busy. My PlayStation got bad and I didn't bother repairing it because I wouldn't have the chance to play it. But honestly I miss playing PlayStation.
I was desperately yearning for it and just didn't want to go to the game house myself since it would be kind of boring playing against people I am not familiar with. I used the word boring because it would be a one sided game since these set of people are professionals. I wouldn't want them to give me the beating of my life and this is why I always stay away from them.

There is no day I would get to the game centre that I wouldn't meet them there. It's like they literally live there. They have mastered all the tricks and cheats there is to know in FIFA and PES. You don't expect me to win these set of people do you? Honestly,I don't think I have any chance of winning against them especially now I have become so terrible in playing FIFA and PES.

So you know, I used to be a professional before. Back then when I was in school, I was one of the champions of the game house there. You could hardly win me then but everything is different now since I rarely play the game. I think now anyone can win me and this was evident in the game I played on Sunday with my friends.

I decided to visit the game centre with @vic2ryx and @josephilaya after service last Sunday. On getting there, the three of us decided that the only way we could enjoy the game and not cheat anyone was for the loser of each round to drop the game pad for another to enter. Trust me, it was fun filled.

I allowed the two of them to start the game first while I waited to see who would lose since one must surely lose. I was actually rooting for Victory to win the game since I know he is very good when it comes to FIFA but to my greatest surprise, Joseph won the game. After their game, I took the game pad to play against Joseph and knowing what he is capable of doing now, I was very careful.

Long story short, I ended up winning him. I wouldn't want to start going into details but trust me, I won the game convincingly. It was now time for Victory and I to play. It was actually a Manchester derby. I was playing with Manchester United while he was playing with Manchester City. Joseph already made it clear that City would win the game since they are always winning Manchester United in real life but I told him I would prove him wrong. Lo and behold, Manchester City won Manchester United. I hope you are not waiting for me to tell you that Kevwe won me right?

I had to hand over the game pad to Joseph who won Kevwe the second time. But seriously how would I be winning someone that is winning someone that is winning me? I don't know if you understand what I am talking about though but this time around, the table turned on me. After I took the game pad from Victory, Joseph decided not to take it easy on me as he destroyed me mercilessly.

I wouldn't blame him for that sha. He has the upper hand because it has been a very long I played PlayStation. Had it been we met in my prime days, he wouldn't smell winning trust me. Victory became victorious this time around and he revenged me by trashing Joseph that was already bragging to be the best because he won both of us.

Guys, here comes the actual reason I decided to write this. I still haven't gotten over the humiliation. I really need to start playing this game often so I could master it once again. How can I lose to Nine (9) men? How can someone with 2 red cards (2 men down) win me? I took the game pad from Joseph and since it was our last game, I told them that I will be winning the game this time around and I was actually determined to win.

Can you imagine that I was already rejoicing that I have won the game when I got a shocker in the 89th minute? From nowhere, Victory equalised and despite having 2 red cards, he ended up winning the game in the extra minute. I couldn't believe what happened. That heroic win alone drew the attention of virtually everybody in the game centre. You need to see how they were laughing at me. I even joined them to laugh at myself because if its you won't you laugh?

Anyway, I already told Victory that we will be having a rematch. He should better to and train because this time around, I wouldn't take it easy on him. I guess it was hungry that actually caused it so the next time I will be playing against him, I will make sure I eat very well before going and then I will show him the stuff I am made of.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


I hardly play at home o and besides this is PS4 not 3 na.....🤣🤣

And I didn't trash u sir, I was just lucky although I am more confident in playing u now sha,I believe I can do wonders again.🙃🤓

We will meet again. I will show you the stuff I am made of. I hope you know that it wouldn't be this way had it been it was PlayStation 2 right?

Ehhnn, I know you'll win . I can't brag with PlayStation2, I dunno if ya even a cofounder of that game sef, but when it comes to other PlayStations I believe I won't be trampled on anyhow😎

haha u go fear wonders na...

Yeah that's me...And It's Gabriel Jesusssssssssssssssss!!!! What a Goal!

Hahahaha... That was a lucky game. I bet you won't be that lucky again

i cant say much about this game because am not a lover at all i only believe that those playing this game is like waste of time because a friend of mine ever took me there the guy is an expert there i hold 500 with me before i know just 2 games i played they are just wining me and my 500 is finish i told my friend i will never come to this place again

It's not a waste of time if you know how to ply it. I do enjoy it and it can never be a waste of time to me. Trust me, if you get to know how to play this game, you will really enjoy it. Sorry about the money, but it's like that sometimes and not only in games, sometimes we spend money and don't end up getting the value for our money.

yes but me i did not plan for that na i just met it so i said let me try and my friend did not tell me that we are going to PES hall he said we going to see one girl since then as the thing happen we are not longer friends again he go his way i go my way

You guys are no more friends because he made you lose 500naira?

is not that i waste 500 i dont like PES and he likes it and like me to be following him of which i dont like bro so i have to cut short from him

I think I understand now

yea thank you for your understanding because the if you dont want to join them you beat them so my beating rhere is to stay away from him for a while

😂😂😂😂 that can be so humiliating. Do well to up your game and try again 😁😁

As in eh...it was just so embarrassing, but it won't happen again since I am already working on my skills.

Nice to note