in Comedy Open Mic2 years ago

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Me and my brother Dave are coming back from a night out at the club, we'd booked a ride and were currently on our way home very drunk, very tipsy and thank the heavens, only moderately foolish.

Dave: Bro today was maddd fun, it's been a while since we've been the center of attraction for the night.

Hazmat: Haha Center of attraction my a$$. Of course you'd be a chic magnet if you spray your just paid salary at the club

Dave : (looking lost and confused) Mmmy salary? I didn't realize that's what I was spending

Hazmat: Nahhh, the money just magically disappeared into your account.

I proceeded to open my bank app to check my account balance. It was simply to add salt to Dave's wound but the alcohol was probably getting to me as I see a negative balance displayed.

Hazmat: Err Dave, did I perhaps join you in spraying money at the club earlier.

Dave: Nahhh bro, the money just magically disappeared out of your account.

Feeling sick, queasy and nauseous all at once, I'm suddenly remembering my colleague at work who'd been trying to make me join a platform called Hive where I could make some passive income from writing and meet new people.

Finally joining the hive blockchain, this post is in honor of that night. If we hadn't gone a-raving drunk at the club, I probably wouldn't be here writing this piece.
Thanks for motivating me to greater heights

I was perhaps one of the many people who saw the news about the SEC in the United States going after crypto giants Binance and Coinbase and read without much interest, it was just another day in office because I believe crypto is here to stay.

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What I wasn't expecting though, was the NIGERIAN SEC recently released circular which I actually stumbled upon by mistake.
It was a circular banning the activities of Binance Nigeria limited because it wasn't a registered entity in the country.
I didn't expect people who got their jobs mostly by political appointments to have iota of sense, at least that part of the circular showed there just might be a tiny bit left.

But this reason wasn't the only one, apparently the ban was also because trading crypto was a risky venture. Lol if you're trading cryptocurrencies and you're not aware of the risks then you probably need to be in a new market.
I don't remember the government loving the citizens at any point in my life, but it seems when it comes to cryptocurrencies my government has found they suddenly love us so much and wish to protect🤗 us.

Nigeria has always been on the fence regarding it's crypto stance, as over the years there hasn't been a full opinion on whether it was illegal or not. Even though it was seemingly illegal in some circles, we've had crypto firms sponsoring different shows on national TV.

So it's a case of we can take money from your business, we can collect tax from you, but you're not allowed to operate that same business. Someone up there has definitely gone through a few bottles of Hennessy and is very much drunk😂😂.

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This recent circular had all the hallmarks of a kid trying to submit his homework on time and finally chooses to copy his classmates. It was more like a case of our American counterparts think this is an important topic, so we've gotta look like we're also working over here as well. It doesn't matter whether they know what they're doing or not.

With a high level of unemployment amongst the young population, people have been turning to online ways of making money and crypto-trading is at the forefront of this.
This is a wide employment pool that's big enough to engage millions of citizens profitably.

But no, what does the NIGERIAN SEC do? They chose to go after one of the biggest source of employment to that same unemployed population because crypto-trading was a risky venture😂😂.
I almost thought I and my brother were the only raving mad individuals in the country.


Till today, it weakens me when I recalls that Crypto is a NO in the country. Initially, I thought it was a political campaign to reign or bring down a particular party but It's now obvious that our government love is down to heart and they don't want ay financial harm of such to come close to us

It's really crazy, once there's a new way to financially liberate yourself, they come crashing it down..
I guess the love is just too much 😂

Funny thing is that, most of them are codedly trading Crypto too😄

Nigeria government is a scam when it comes to youth success through cryptocurrency. I thank God there are many ways to kill a rat.