Face Me I Face You Public Toilet Challenge

in Comedy Open Miclast year

Face me I face you is living in a public house or yard comprising different people who pay as a tenant to live in one room. Face me I face you house is that house with more than one room and a tenant will pay for one of the rooms for him to be living inside as a tenant. What makes a public yard to be called face me I face you is because of its one toilet and one bathroom for a whole tenants to be using.


Worst than can happen to anyone is when you live in any apartment with numbers of tenants but everyone makes use of one toilets. Toilet to be available I an apartment is very important but when it's less provided above numbers of tenants problem comes in.

For me, I don't play with toilet to be available in anywhere I live in but one day, life turned things in a wrong direction for me. I have a secondary school mates years ago, we were too close that most of my classmates were all jealous of our friendship. My friend was living a very large life but that didn't make me know where she was living till we finished secondary school.

Years we both finished secondary school, we missed our road as friends. I was left in the village and nowhere for me to travel. Almost all my secondary school mates traveled after our graduation but I was left in the village suffering but I was still managing life.

Then i finished secondary school, I have not traveled to any other state apart from my village. One day, a secondary school mate saw me when she came for a marriage ceremony. We both exchanged phone contacts. I later called her and we discussed about life. From our discussion she informed me she knows where my old school friend is living in Lagos Nigeria. I was very excited to hear such a good news about my old friend. My school mates gave me my old secondary school mates phone number.

I later called my secondary school mate who is now living in Lagos. She was happy to hear from me after so many years of school graduation. She asked me what I'm still doing in the village and i told her I have no place to travel. She then invited me over to Lagos.

With good news receiving an invitation from a secondary school mate friend, I was very happy I'll be traveling out from Afikpo to Lagos. All my hope is when I get to Lagos things will be fine.

Getting to Lagos, my friend peaked me up from the park. On our way to where she's living there are many good and beautiful buildings. I was pointing at many of them with hope she's living a such a big house.

I and my friend reached a particular house that I'll not like to stay in my village and she told me that's where she stays. I was thinking my friend was joking until when she entered the compound. I joined her. Dear readers, what I saw in my friend house is very different from what I think she's. I was thinking my girlfriend is living in a very big house in Lagos but where she's living is not to be compared to where I used to live in the village.


Very early in the morning of 4:AM, I was still sleeping, from my sleep I was hearing different footsteps outside the house. I went back to sleep to wake up 6:30 AM. I told my girlfriend I want to use the toilet and she pointed outside. She told me to take a bucket along with me so I can fetch water for the toilet. I went outside the compound and I saw crowd in a queue. I was confused because I needed to use the toilet but the queue i saw from where I'll fetch water to where the toilet is made toilet I'm supposed to go enter back my stomach. What a life.


One thing I hate the most is a smelly public toilet especially when I'm not used to there. Jeeeez!

Oftentimes, conveniences in village is far better to those cities

Pretence is not a good, it's better to live a normal life. I hate public toilet as a woman because of infection.

For women;
Naaaah! No lady should try it.
They're easily affected