 2 years ago (edited) 

I would've liked to notice when I snapped it so I could verify she was real. Didn't catch it til yesterday, now I'll never know.

Thank you.

Prickly with no filter.....


 2 years ago  

I know!! I need to get more creative. All I ever call her is gorgeous, stunna, beautiful, lover, old repeat jargon like that.

Maybe that's why she sticks around.... even when you are prickly with no filters. I say keep up the the good jargon.

 2 years ago  

O.U Are the best. I finally got someone to hold responsible if she ever calls me vintage.

ha ha .... I AM vintage.... it's not so bad.

 2 years ago  

I was looking on offerup the other day for an extension ladder. Did you know? I was completely unaware if it's not digital it's vintage. They had all these folding wooden rulers for sale, rulers I use all the time, by the way—wood rules. On offerup, they're called vintage yard sticks but wait!

There's more..

Not even a week ago I heard'em call Rage Against The Machine classic rock.

W T Fuck!

You didn't notice HER? That does make me wonder if she was real!


You didn't notice HER? That does make me wonder if she was real!