In this post little secret will be review on why some people eventually started gambling. In the seek to pursue uncertainty with uncertainty many has fall into gambling and are addicted already and breaking through will require a level of prayers , believe and determination.


The sadesss thing is that most gamblers I have meant have this common thing with then, they usually have less interest in seeking for knowledge and getting involved in deep educative and researchers, they feel is stressful and bring little return (cash). The earlier you regret involving in gambling the better with will be for you.

I realize people I have interacted with who had gambling experience did as a result of some factors or reasons.

  1. Settlement or Escape from Trouble/Debt
    As the case maybe some have ended up been a betting addict simple because they came in to make some to settle debt that there available money could not settle all at once , instead of paying part to debtee they ended up losing all on betting. The quick you admit this fact and truth that betting is not one of the ways to escape trouble or debt the easier life will become for you.

  2. Double my Money
    I have heard severally this saying that half bread is better than popcorn, this is very true and valid when is comes to gambling as an option. It is better you have and hold your earning and belongs than bet them. So many people have gone into gambling because they see it as a medium or space to double there money. I have heard someone say make I bet double my money because nah the only opportunity to double up be that.... Lololol 😂 couldn't stop laughing as at same spot the guy losses the money.... The next thing he said was hoooo... I for no use this money bet sha... I for just refill my gas with it.. sad news it's too late for that. So accept it or not betting is not a middle to double money.

  3. Poverty
    Hold on, you want to ask how?😂 Yes poverty... I have seen a lot of bike rider who gamble and I can say 80% of bike rider's in my locale do gamble. The feeling of possiblity without uncertainty of turning small money to big, an hundred to a thousand or even a million has made them gamble with the believe that one day it's will come. It's sad that some even indirectly more believe the coming (winning) of a bet than the coming of Jesus Christ 😢, so they kept on playing hope and believing they will win one day.

  4. Winning Possiblity
    The possibility of winning without certainty has made some people a gambler. Since betting picture possibility of winning they has kept so many people in the game of betting and most of which are addicted already.

  5. Peer group
    This is an important agent of socialization which basically have to do with influence. So many people also join because of friends influence with the hope to also make some money.
    Thanks for taking your time to read through my post....


believe the coming (winning) of a bet than the coming of Jesus Christ

😂😂😂. I've seen a lot of people like that. Let me give you sure odd. 😂. Gambling isn't a good thing especially if one is addicted to it. I've played it before, and I know how much I lost, though, some people made fortune from it. It better to set life on something more reliable than putting ones egg in a gambling basket.

Exactly. One ends up skilless staying on gambling

A lot of people have been indebted due to gambling. In fact let me say that some of them have been addicted to it