La única vez que mi esposa me celó.
Mi lazo matrimonial ocurrió el 20 de diciembre de 1985 en mi ciudad residencial San Juan de los Morros con una dama que conocí el 20 de octubre de 1981 en nuestro lugar de trabajo, que era una escuela ubicada en todo el frente de la famosa Casa Amarilla, una especie de palacio asignado a cada gobernador de estado Guárico de turno.
Duramos más de 20 años en unión, y de allí nació un solo hijo para ambos, y en adelante ya no engedramos más. Por cierto, es un exitoso joven profesional de la psicología clínica.
Quiero referir que nuestra relación amistosa ha proseguido con mucha madurez y respeto, pero sí puedo acotar que era una mujer que no me acechaba por nada en mis comunicaciones a pesar de ser un músico y cantante popular, de esos que tienen amores en cantidad.
Ella era un caso atípico en el sentido de que nunca me llegó a celar de ninguna mujer, pero más o menos en 1992, cuado estaba jugando ua partida de dominó con varios amigos en el Colegio de Ingenieros, me sucedió que al ir al baño me encontré en el piso la foto de una mujer demasiado bella.
Me quedé contemplando aquella hermosísima imagen y se me ocurrió la idea de colocarle una dedicatoria de amor ¡¡¡para mí mismo!
¡Santo cielo! Cuando llegué a la mesa no dije nada, pero guardé la foto en la cartera, y todo transcurrió normalmente, y un amigo me dejó en casa.
Al apenas despertar vi el rostro de mi esposa lleno de curiosidad y sospecha, y me decía:
—Me vas a hacer el favor de decirme quién es la mujer que te dedicó esta foto, y que dice ser "tu amor querido".
Ella se iba poniendo más furiosa porque yo lo que yo hacía era reírme a carcajada suelta y, en vista de que me inquiría cada vez más enojada, me resolví a explicarle el caso, y le dije:
—Bueno, a esa mujer la conocerán en su casa porque esa foto me la encontré anoche, y se me ocurrió escribirle esa dedicatoria.
Iracunda, agarró la foto y la volvió pedazos, pero ya no estaba celosa, sino disgustada porque decía que era de muy mal gusto mi broma.
De más está decir que duró varios días sin dirigirme la palabra, pero me complació que por primera vez algo le produjo celos.
The only time my wife was jealous of me.
My marriage took place on December 20, 1985 in my hometown of San Juan de los Morros with a lady I met on October 20, 1981 in our workplace, which was a school located in front of the famous Casa Amarilla, a kind of palace assigned to each governor of Guárico state in turn.
We lasted more than 20 years in union, and from there was born only one son for both of us, and from then on we never had any more children. By the way, he is a successful young professional in clinical psychology.
I want to say that our friendly relationship has continued with much maturity and respect, but I can say that she was a woman who did not stalk me for anything in my communications despite being a musician and popular singer, one of those who have many loves.
She was an atypical case in the sense that I was never jealous of any woman, but more or less in 1992, when I was playing a game of dominoes with several friends at the College of Engineers, it happened to me that when I went to the bathroom I found on the floor the picture of a very beautiful woman.
I was contemplating that beautiful image and I had the idea of placing a love dedication to myself!
Good heavens! When I got to the table I didn't say anything, but I put the photo in my wallet, and everything went normally, and a friend dropped me off at home.
As soon as I woke up I saw my wife's face full of curiosity and suspicion, and she was saying to me:
-You are going to do me the favor of telling me who is the woman who dedicated this photo to you, and who claims to be "your beloved love".
She was getting angrier and angrier because what I was doing was laughing out loud and, in view of the fact that she was asking me more and more angry, I decided to explain the case to her, and I told her:
-Well, you will know that woman at home because I found that photo last night, and it occurred to me to write that dedication to her.
Angry, she grabbed the photo and tore it to pieces, but she was no longer jealous, but upset because she said that my joke was in very bad taste.
Needless to say, she didn't say a word to me for several days, but I was pleased that for the first time something made her jealous.
Hahaha how come she had never felt jealous before? 😅 She must have been very ready for whatever comes as musician that you are.
Well, I understand you being happy while she's pissed off... Jealousy happened finally! 🤣
Can't believe something of this scenario happens... Wife never getting jealous (she's a rare one)
Thank you very much for having taken a walk through this writing, and I sincerely congratulate you because you read everything that is published, and it is a pride to have someone who reads what one brings to the community, which, by the way, I enjoy very much. I also love to read others, but unfortunately the internet service where I live is terrible. God bless you.
So sorry about your network service, I hope it gets better... Keep sharing your funny moments with us 😊
Too enthusiastic about reality and its circumstances 🤣
Although there are those who do not believe this experience, Venezuelan humor is one hundred percent.
No le creo nada del cuento de la foto, hablaré con su esposa ja,ja,ja. ¡Qué broma tan pesada! Pobre foto de esa dama, en que lugar tan desagradable la dejaron tirada. Me imagino que fue un borracho ja,ja,ja que dejó caer la foto.
Me alegro que aunque sea en esa oportunidad lo hayan celado. Solo digo que salgan volando cuando se consigan un ser celoso.
Ja, ja, llegaste más lejos al buscar de dónde y cómo hallé la foto.
Por lo menos no pasó a mayores! Mínimo te salía dormir en el sofá y pagar una multa en moneda
At least something worse didn't happen! At least you could have slept on the couch and paid a fine in currency.
Ha ha. Thank you very much for the fixation. I also appreciate the comments raised.
Ja, ja. Muchas gracias por la fijación. También agradezco los comentarios suscitados.
I can imagine how furious she was to see the picture and the write-up. Many of these ladies who seem strong are usually the softest.
She must really be a special type not to be jealous and insecure considering that you're a musician. It must have been lovely for you to finally see her jealous
Muy interesante. la vida nos da sorpresas ., sorpresas nos da la vida
linda historia.gracias por compartirla
People who don't get jealous always challenge me to make them jealous 😂😂😂.. at least she finally got jealous, but she sounds like a keeper