It's taken a while but the second video is here! Just watch and enjoy, and if you like it engage 🤝. More videos are definitely coming.
The End
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As a 'Merican, I don't really get futballer jokes. The sound effects were well done, and I thought it was really funny that you can't really tell if that extra guy was pointing at the sign... or insinuating that he was there to use his finger. 😂
Hahahaha. Yeah, I didn't expect non-football fans to really get it, especially 'Mericans the "soccer" guys 😅.
Thanks for the compliment. About that ambiguity, it wasn't my intention but it seems it played out alright. I'm certainly going to be doing better with time. Thank you! 🤝 😀
Thank you, and keep 'em coming!
Sure thang! 🤝
Wow the video was too good do u made it by yourself ? Or how
Yeah, I made it myself. Thanks for the compliment 🤝
So good
Thank you! 🤝