A little gentle encouragement.

in Comedy Open Mic7 months ago

You folks are doing great!!!

Maybe not objectively great, but compared to those posts from tdvtv and beetoons (which are just grating), it's beautiful.

Forgive me for a moment, while I shed a small tear of happiness.

COMmunityDon't confuse that tear drop with drip, which @driplord has apparently confiscated all of. I'm not sure what drip is, exactly, but if you need some, go ask that guy, he's dripping in it. He's also bringing some cartoons to the , so if you've been coming back to see what @beetoons drops here, but don't like following external links (does that sound dirty to you?) then he may be just the contributor you've been waiting for.

We also had a funny little, uh... love story from @marriot5464, whose peaceful world was recently shattered by some exhibitionist flies. Please, stop by and show him a little love. He seems to need it, and certainly deserves it!

That's two out of three weeks you funny folks have outnumbered the spam in the COMmunity feed, and you tied it on that off week. For comedians, that's a remarkable level of work! Keep it up, and people will have to stop calling us slackers and procrastinators!

This week, you didn't just post more than the spam, you guys crushed it!

@mrenglish made a much welcomed return to give a little lesson in how to collect money, and get a little revenge at the same time! Follow that guy and heed his words, he is a straight up genius!

@diikaan also treated us to some celebrity gossip and racial relation studies that had me just about rolling on the floor, as always. That guy just kills me, but it's more of a love crime than a hate crime (I hope!).

We also had a newcomer to the club who really lit up my funny bone. @borderline.babe has a very Hollywood name, and some humorous views of a truly horrific story.

Why did I write a recap post?

That's a damn good question. I don't even write the recaps I'm supposed to write for Homesteading Community. This was supposed to be a bit of a roast of the newcomers and some jokes about the Olympics.

I guess seeing 4 whole people posting in the COMmunity in one week just got me caught up in my feels.

While I've still got you all here, I have a favor to ask. If you're reading this, and ESPECIALLY if you're reading this because I mentioned you in it, head on over the The Funniest COMmunity In The Whole Hive and give these people a little encouragement.

If that was too subtle for you, when I say encouragement, I mean votes and comments. Even if it's a lame 0.1% vote and your comment is "That wasn't funny." Most comedians just crave attention, not praise.

@amirtheawesome1, @dandays, and, let's see... @ckole, have I mentioned you in any of these posts yet? @kingsleyy, apparently I tagged you improperly in previous posts, are you still there?

We've cleaned out the debris, mopped up the floors a bit. There's still a bit of a rodent problem, but we should have the lights on and the liquor flowing in the club again real soon! CHECK IT OUT!

Big Laughs

If you follow my other account, you may recognize this pic. One of my Sith Lord Chickens is actively trying to create some kind of Death Star egg. I'm eating them, for now, but I think you should all be aware of the possible terror I could unleash if you don't get out there and support Comedy Open Mic!

 7 months ago  

Hello, @borderline.babe. Good eye, whoever put this post together.

I think the original COM key holders are tending to worldly issues. I had a tough time staying in contact with them even when I did discord with everybody but I'm always down for a dirty racist joke.

A black horse fell in snow.

This post assembled itself from the debris while I was sweeping up. Either the universe has spoken through me, or that was a really good blunt roach I smoked.

Got curious when I was tagged.
I really wish for a come back of this community...my biggest wish right now.

Thank you for putting up the effort. I hope we pick it up from here.
Thank you sir

Things are coming back around. I actually thought I had tagged you in some previous posts, and named you King of the Club, but apparently I tagged some other Kingsley, with only one 'y'. I guess that's what I get for thinking!

Can't wait to see your humor in the club again, my fried!

This got me laughing.
It's fine, I'm coming back soon.
Thank you for the big work

Thank you for the shoutout! 😄 And a shoutout to this community as well, congratulations on receiving 4 whole new members! 🙏 I honestly believe that the big culture shifts are responsible for more people taking an interest in comedy. More people are wanting to laugh and are caring less about cancel culture.

We're cancelling cancel culture.

I personally decide to laugh because in my country, there's nothing funny, and cancel culture is for gay guys who are usually in hiding.....