Hey, hey, just kidding, it's comedy right?
I wanted to take the time to make a hilarious thank you comment, but damn life insists on monopolizing most of my time, and I want to express my thanks before everybody forgets who I am so...
Thank you so much, to COM community, members, and judges. Without all you, there'd be no reason to be here. I'd also like to apologize, for not being as 'comment-y' on the other wonderful posts. If I gave it a vote, I read it and loved it. I'm not thinking any less of you guys and gals, I just don't have the time to give you all the time you deserve.
Now that I've said that, I'd also like to say that you all may be seeing even less of me for a while around here. Paying work is lining up fast, and when I run out of time, this is where the first cuts will get made. I've been trying to find ways to make extra time for you... I'm thinking that if I give up showers I should still have time to post once a week or so, and I'll probably have a few extra embarrassing encounters to relate. In the long run, it might just add up to more free time.
Thank you thank you thank you. I might not be as visible, but I'll still be around.